Sona Ghazaryan asks a question to President of Cyprus at PACE session
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The RA NA delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is participating in the first part of the Annual Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe taking place in Strasbourg on January 21-27. At the ordinary session, the member of the NA delegation Sona Ghazaryan asked a question to the President of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides.

“Your Excellency,

It is an honour to welcome you to this Assembly.

Recently, the Government of Armenia came up with the Crossroads of Peace initiative, which is about unblocking the infrastructure, increasing the interconnectivity in the region. This project will greatly contribute to prosperity, lasting peace and cooperation among the nations of our regions and beyond.

Mr. President, what does Cyprus think of this project?

Thank you.”

“Now with regard to the Armenian proposal, well we, the Republic of Cyprus, in other words, support this particular effort” the President Nikos Christodoulides stated, adding that any effort that involves co-operation between countries, we support it. We feel that it is in the right direction: the crossroads of peace.

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