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Kinds of permissible activity on Free Economic Zones working in RA to be established by legislative initiative
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As a result of the package of draft laws, it will become possible to solve the issue s of the privileges established for the Free Economic Zones (FEZ) operators working in the Republic of Armenia within the framework of the localization works of the 5th measure Harmful Tax Practices of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Program connected with the ‘harmful’ tax regimes. The RA Acting Deputy Minister of Economy Narek Teryan said this.

At February 2 7 RA NA sitting , the package of draft laws on Amending the RA Tax Code and on Amending the Law on Free Economic Zones authored by the Government, was debated in the first reading.

According to the key rapporteur Narek Teryan, it is designed to set the kinds of permissible activity on the FEZ territory, which were chosen, taking as a basis the priorities of the RA Government economic policy, promoting the development of a number of spheres: processing industry, agriculture, sector of information technologies, tourism.

It is proposed by the draft that besides the kinds of the activity of processing industry and software elaboration activity, the spheres as the priorities of the economic policy of the Government will be included. In particular, from the service sphere the kinds of the activity aimed at the development of tourism were included, for example, the organization of hotel services, accommodation and catering. A guidebook will be established for the assessment of the FEZ operators’ business programs.

Hayk Tsirunyan presented the endorsement of the Standing (Head) Committee on Economic Affairs, calling on his colleagues to vote for the draft.

Sargis Khandanyan and Vahagn Aleksanyan meet with Regional Director for Eurasia at National Democratic Institute
On February 27, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Sargis Khandanyan and the deputy Vahagn Aleksanyan hosted the Regional Director for Eurasia at National Democratic Institute (NDI) Eva Busza. During the meeting, the deputies expressed their gratitude for the projects bei...

Members of Armenian delegation to PACE meet with Candidate for CoE Secretary General Indrek Saar
On February 27, the members of the delegation of the National Assembly of Armenia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Sona Ghazaryan, Arusyak Julhakyan and Armen Gevorgyan met with the candidate nominated by Estonia in the elections for the Secretary General of the Council ...

Proposed amendments and addenda to Law on Management of Multi-Apartment Buildings and Code on Administrative Offenses presented to Parliament
The legislative package providing for amendments and addenda to the law on the Management of Multi-Apartment Buildings and the Code of Administrative Offenses was debated at the NA sitting on February 27.The key rapporteur, the First Deputy Chairman of the RA Urban Development Committee, the Acting ...

Gevorg Papoyan: It is expected to raise quality of information being introduced to public and NA on principles of legality and efficiency in sector of public finance and property
The purpose of the elaboration of the legislative package is to raise the quality of information being presented to the public and National Assembly on the principles of legality and efficiency in the public finance and property through the rise of efficiency of the activity of the specialized with ...

Parliament debates a number of legislative initiatives in second reading
In the sitting of February 27, the National Assembly debated more than a dozen legislative initiatives in the second reading.Presented by the RA Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan, the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Code of Administrative Offenses and the packa...

More distinct legal bases to be designed for providing circulation of medicine
The addenda and amendments being proposed to the law on Medicine and the enclosed laws will promote the processes of medicine registration, the regulation of the clinic experiment sphere, and the medicine import will be harmonized. At the NA sitting the RA Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan informe...

It is designed to significantly improve regulations of field of gaming activities
The main and key change is that, for the first time, a system will be introduced in Armenia, which will enable monitoring the legal requirements for all types of gaming through digital tools, both from the viewpoint of consumer protection and fiscal control. This was stated by the Chairman of the RA...

It is designed to provide financial support at expense of EEU budget by EEU member states for joint cooperative projects in industry branches
The Parliament debated the draft law on ratifying the protocol on making amendments to the Contract on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 regarding the provision of financial support by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) during the implementation of the joint cooperative...

Parliament begins work of regular sittings
The National Assembly began the work of regular sittings on February 27. The Parliament approved the agenda of the regular sittings. In the first reading, the legislative package authored by the Government was debated on making addenda to the law on Military Service and the Status of Servicemen and ...

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