Ukrainian Ambassador in National Assembly

On September 15 Mr. Tigran Torosian, the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, received Mr. Olexander Bozhko, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Armenia.

Mr. Ambassador conveyed to  the Parliament President congratulations from Mr. Olexander Moroz, the President of Supreme Rada of the Republic of Ukraine on the occasion of the 15 years of independence of Republic of Armenia. He reported to Mr. Torosyan about political consents, took place after the Parliamentary elections in Ukraine, as a result of which the “National Unity Universal” was signed, the administration of the Parliament was elected, new government was established. Noting good traditions of inter-parliamentary cooperation, Mr. Bozhko highlighted the continuation and deepening of these relations with newly elected Supreme Rada. Mr. T. Torosyan, thanking for the message, highlighted the activation of contacts between the two countries, and especially between two Parliaments, since it might be educational and useful for the countries of the same post-soviet origin. At the same time it was noted that it is very important for cooperation to have not only procedural, but also an executive component, which is often, unfortunately, not only absent, but also has the opposite direction, since sometimes Ukraine displays pro-Azerbaijanian position. And not only in Parliamentarian structures. With this regard the NA President touched upon also the issue of some declarations made by Ukrainian President in Baku these days regarding the ways of solution of Nagorno Karabakh issue, noting that they do not ensure the resolution of the conflict and contradict the OSCE principles, whose member Ukraine became too.

The same problem is in the United Nations: with regard to the issue of conflicts touched these days. Mr. Bozhko promised to convey the concerns of the Armenian NA President to his leadership.

Other issues of mutual importance also were discussed during the meeting.

Balkan Club Members in National Assembly
On September 15 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received the delegation headed by Mr. Zhelyu Zhelev, former President of the Republic of Bulgaria, President of the Balkan Political Club. Mr. Stefan Dimitrov, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgari...