Regulations regarding itinerant trade will also apply in other communities of Armenia
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We adopted laws on this topic about a year ago and regulated itinerant trade in Yerevan. Back then, during the discussions with the National Assembly, we agreed and promised that, taking into consideration the experience of Yerevan, after drawing certain conclusions, we will also present amendments, according to which these regulations will be extended to other communities in Armenia. Now, in fact, we have implemented that process and with the amendments proposed by us, the regulations will be extended to all other communities. This was stated by the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Vache Terteryan, who presented the draft law on Making Amendments to the Law on Trade and Services and the attached legislative package in the first reading. He added that there will be one exception for communities, which refers to issuing itinerant trade permits through a special website.

According to the Deputy Minister, these regulations implemented in Yerevan in the field of itinerant trade have shown positive results, which other communities can benefit from.

The Committee Chair Vahe Ghalumyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection.

The legislative initiative was debated at the NA regular sitting on March 19.

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