Ambassador of Japan to Armenia hosted in Parliament
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On April 1, the members of Armenia-Japan Friendship Group of the National Assembly met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Republic of Armenia Aoki Yutaka.

Welcoming the newly appointed Ambassador in Parliament, the Head of Armenia-Japan Friendship Group Babken Tunyan congratulated Aoki Yutaka on being appointed in this responsible post.

The MP thanked the Ambassador for the support shown to Armenia by Japan in the most different directions until now. “It refers not only the financial, social, technical support, but also the balanced position adopted by Japan also in the foreign policy,” Babken Tunyan noted.

Speaking about the current situation, the members of the Friendship Group underscored that it continues remaining tense and vulnerable. It was noted that Azerbaijan continues holding our compatriots as captives, the considerable part of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia is under control of Azerbaijan, the bellicose rhetoric of Azerbaijan does not stop. Underlining the necessity of establishing lasting peace in the region, the members of the Friendship Group mentioned that to reach that goal the support of the partner countries is important, as well as the targeted statements and the steps to restrain the ambitions of Azerbaijan of possible aggression.

The deputies highly appreciated the support shown by Japan to more than 100.000 compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh.

The opportunities of the development of bilateral cooperation in a number of spheres were discussed. The sides agreed that there is unrealized potential in the economic cooperation.

Thanking the members of the Friendship Group for reception, the Ambassador noted that Japan attentively follows the ongoing processes in Armenia, the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations. According to Aoki Yutaka, Japan highly assesses the efforts of Armenia for establishing peace in the region and is ready to support them.

The sides were unanimous that Japan and Armenia share the common values – democracy, human rights and rule of law.

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