Control in spheres of feed safety, phytosanitary by legislative regulation to become more effective
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The Government proposes amendments and addenda to the laws on State Control of Food Safety, on Feed Safety and on State Duty. Suspension of pesticides and agro-chemicals in case of discrepancy of the content of the material affecting to the demands established of the non-registered in Armenia, expired, with the violations of demands being presented to the marking, as a result of marking and laboratory examination is designed.

The complete list of the permissible documents being provided within the framework of its competence by the authorized body in case of import, export and transit transportation of the goods being controlled to be established. It is also proposed to set the legal basis of the suspension or termination of the powers of Scientific Centre of the risk assessment, regulating the existing legislative gap.

The RA Deputy of Economy Tatevik Sargsyan presented in the first reading the legislative regulations in the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection.

Highlighting the regulations being proposed by the initiative, the co-rapporteur, the Committee member Mikayel Tumasyan expressed readiness for cooperating with the executive body. According to him, later the examination term for two years on pesticides being produced in Armenia can forbid the investments, as that term can be lasting for the investors. In this context, the deputy emphasized the amendments in that sphere, which can boost the investments. Mikayel Tumasyan also touched upon the regulations on the expired products and their destruction norms.

The issue was endorsed by the Committee.

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It is designed to form student detachments that will take part in certain engineering works in positions
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