Remote work discussion with members of Swedish International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
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The Swedish International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) collects information on various components of democracy in 173 countries of the world from many sources and compiles a monthly information-report on the progress or decline of democracy: Armenia is also included in the list of these countries.

On April 2, a remote work discussion was held with the members of the Swedish International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, in which the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Sargis Khandanyan, the Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan, the Head of the Armenia-Sweden Parliamentary Friendship Group Hripsime Grigoryan, the RA NA Deputy Chief of Staff Heghine Khachikyan participated.

During the work discussion, the research on the development of democracy in Armenia was presented, as well as the changes that took place in the last five years.

“We are interested to see what kind of methodologies are used to assess and compile general information and whether various information bases and media regarding Armenia are included,” Hripsime Grigoryan said. According to her assessment, the methodology used by the Swedish International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance is effective and gives an opportunity to provide accurate and objective information on the various components of the countries’ democracy. According to Hripsime Grigoryan, it also gives the world the opportunity to present the process of democratic reforms taking place in the RA.

During the discussion, the MPs presented their observations and questions regarding the methodology of information collection and monitoring toolkits related to Armenia.