Alen Simonyan to Vasslis Maragos: Armenia and EU committed to expand and deepen the cooperation in all possible spheres
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On April 12, the President of the RA National Assembly received the Head of the delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Armenia, Ambassador Vassilis Maragos.

Welcoming the Ambassador, the Head of Parliament thanked him for the efforts aimed at the strengthening of the relations between Armenia and the European Union.

“Armenia and the European Union are committed to expand and deepen the cooperation in all possible spheres. We are ready, and we do works in boosting the institutional reforms, strengthening democratic parliamentary culture, the development programmes of the capacities and ensuring continuous cooperation with the European Union also in other spheres,” Alen Simonyan noted.

Vassilis Maragos highly appreciated the cooperation existing between the Parliament and the European Union, underscoring the importance of the relations.

“The National Assembly has a key role in the rapprochement of the relations between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia. Due to joint efforts we’ll be able to successfully advance the programmes, which we initiated to carry out, and we’ll have an opportunity to expand the framework of Armenia-EU cooperation,” the EU Ambassador said.

At the meeting, within the framework of Armenia-EU cooperation the perspectives of the economic and energy spheres, the opportunities of expanding the political and security dialogue, the security situation existing in the South Caucasus, the liberalisation of the EU visas for the citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

On April 5, reference was also made to the meeting held between the Prime Minister of Armenia, the President of the European Commission and the U.S. Secretary of State in Brussels, where issues directed to the development and the resistance of Armenia were discussed.

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