Issues on Armenian-American parliamentary cooperation discussed
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On April 22, the Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the RA National Assembly Sargis Khandanyan and the Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration Meri Galstyan received the Senior Professional Staff Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations at the US Senate Hannah Thoburn.

The Armenian parliamentarians spoke about the security situation in the region, presented the positions of the Armenian side on the normalization process of the Armenia-Azerbaijan and Armenia-Turkey relations.

The NA deputies touched upon the humanitarian problems of the Armenian population after their forcibly displacement from Nagorno Karabakh, the programs being implemented by the RA Government aimed at taking care of the refugees’ needs. In this context the Armenian parliamentarians thanked the US Government for showing assistance and underscored the necessity of the international partners’ continuous support.

The Crossroads of Peace project developed by the Government was also presented to the guest.

Issues on the Armenian-American inter-parliamentary ties, particularly, the cooperation between the Committees on Foreign Relations.