Meri Galstyan: Democracy will ensure the security, the development and the stability of our country in the region
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The member of the RA NA delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (APF), the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Meri Galstyan took part in the Meeting of the APF Political Committee.

The Armenian delegation proposed to make amendments and addenda in the summary report of the Committee, which were accepted.

Meri Galstyan gave a speech:

“Dear Chairman of the Political Committee,

Dear colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, let me express my deep gratitude to the Parliament of Luxembourg for the organization of this meeting.

Dear colleagues,

After our previous meeting hard and tragic events took place in Armenia, about which I simply cannot but mention. In September of the previous year Azerbaijan, due to its long-term policy of ethnic cleansing, launched a large-scale attack against Nagorno Karabakh.

It is very painful that despite hundreds of alarms, the decisions of the International Court of Justice, the resolutions of the European Parliament, PACE and parliaments of certain countries, the appeals of the executive bodies, the international community, all of us were not able to prevent the Armenians’ ethnic cleansing in Nagorno Karabakh.

We initiated three debates concerning the topic in the UN Security Council, but the debates did not give any practical result, and now Nagorno Karabakh is depopulated of Armenians. In the conditions of the inactivity of the RF peacekeeping troops, more than 100.000 Armenians left their houses and cradle of Nagorno Karabakh during one week.

The humanitarian crisis of the forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh was number one agenda in Armenia in the last half year and continues remaining together with security risks, which have not still been completely neutralized.

I would like to specially to thank all the countries and international organizations, which show continuous support to our country in overcoming this humanitarian crisis.

Despite the fact that democratic Armenia has undergone severe trials since 2020, we are resolute that democracy to ensure the security, the development and the stability of our country in the region.

Our region, the South Caucasus has a need of peace, and Armenia more than ever is decisive to make all possible political and diplomatic efforts for reaching so desirable peace in our region exclusively through honouring the territorial integrity and sovereignty of two countries, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and its basis should be the principles of 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration.

The next important step is the unblocking of the road and communication infrastructure by the countries of the region for reaching stability and peace, honouring each other’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and jurisdiction.

Armenia proposes to the region the Crossroads of Peace initiative, according to which, Armenia and Azerbaijan based on their sovereignty, jurisdiction, without any corridor conversations, should open their roads for each other.

We are ready to sign a treaty on the settlement of peace and relations with Azerbaijan with the condition of full preservation of the abovementioned principles, approaches and agreements and reciprocity.

Dear colleagues, once again I would like to thank all my colleagues for standing by Armenia in this difficult period and supporting the peace agenda of Armenia.

Thank you for your attention,” the deputy said.

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