NA deputies visit Rya Taza village of Aragatsotn Marz
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On May 15, the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Rustam Bakoyan, the Committee Members Marina Ghazaryan and Tigran Parsilyan visited Rya Taza village of Aragatsotn Marz to get acquainted with the problems of the absence of drinking water, gasification, the state of rural roads, etc. It is populated with the representatives of national minority, the Yazidis.

The residents of the village singled out the problem of the drinking water, noting that the water is partially brought from Aparan city, and it does not meet the demand of drinking water of the village. It was mentioned that part of the village is gasified, and there is a necessity to gasify the other part, too. The garbage issue is also not solved.

At the meeting Rustam Bakoyan informed that the Government implements different subvention programmes. According to him, a number of communities, where the residents are representatives of national minority, were enlarged. The small budgets of the communities don’t give an opportunity to carry out such programmes, and the Government allocates annually additional 50 million AMD to every community. It is also one more opportunity to do works aimed at the restoration and development of infrastructures in these communities.

“The Executive adds its share in the subvention programmes directed to such communities, reaching to 80%,” Rustam Bakoyan noted. He also informed that the policy pursued by the RA Government gives an opportunity to the citizens, Yazidi by their origin, of Armenia, who left the country before, stemming from social conditions, to return to the Motherland. He also mentioned that the local self-government bodies spend the provided means in a right way for effectively implementing the programmes in the communities.

During the meeting the raised problems were recorded. The MPs expressed readiness to support the solution of the abovementioned problems.

RA NA Delegation takes part in Plenary Session of PABSEC General Assembly
On May 13-15, the 63rd Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) was held in Tirana, in the capital of Albania. The Head of the delegation of the RA National Assembly to PABSEC, the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babke...