Alen Simonyan Receives President of the Chamber of Deputies of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Claude Wiseler
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On May 22, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the delegation led by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Claude Wiseler.

The Speakers of Parliaments had private conversation, which followed the meeting in the expanded format.

The interlocutors documented about the political dialogue of high level between Armenia and Luxembourg, underscoring the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in the dynamic development of the two countries’ relations.

“We highly assess the Resolution unanimously adopted on May 16 by the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg on supporting Armenia and establishing peace and stability in the region.

We emphasize that in the Resolution the forcibly displaced more than 100.000 Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh as a result of unsubstantiated military operation by Azerbaijan is condemned and immediate release of Armenian prisoners of war is called on,” the NA President noted, adding that now the appeals of the whole international community are addressed to the official Baku to fulfill all the conditions for the safe and dignified return of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh to their centuries-old motherland.

Claude Wiseler mentioned that Luxembourg is ready to continue supporting Armenia in establishing peace and stability in the South Caucasus.

“We encourage the involvement of the EU other member states and us in the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiations. We emphasize and demand the immediate return of prisoners of war to their Motherland,” the Head of Parliament of Luxembourg noted.

The opportunities of the Armenia-EU economic relations, the EU-Armenia visa liberalisation process, the security situation in the South Caucasus and a large scope of issues on Armenia-Luxembourg inter-parliamentary interaction were discussed.

Reference was made to the Crossroads of Peace Project of the RA Government and its importance in the establishment of security in the region, as well as in the establishment and development of trade-economic relations.

At the end of the meeting the President of the Chamber of Deputies of Parliament of Luxembourg left a note in the Book of Honorable Guests.

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