Meetings of PACE Monitoring Committee in National Assembly

On October 16 the members of the PACE Monitoring Committee had discussions with Mr. Armen Harutyunyan, Human Rights Defender, Mr. David Harutyunyan, Minister of Justice, Mr. Vardan Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Committee members had meeting with Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Head of the Armenian Delegation to PACE, representatives of the Armenian delegation to PACE and groups-factions as well.

At the guests’ request the representatives of the National Assembly referred to the regional parliamentarian cooperation, the reforms in legislative field after the Constitutional amendments, the NKR issue settlement, the upcoming Parliamentary elections, the issues of parliament-government relations.

Touching upon the regional cooperation Mr. Torosyan mentioned that the only opportunity of closer contacts for the parliamentarians of the South Caucasus countries is the parliamentary initiative of the South Caucasus. There are meetings with participation of 10 representatives from each country periodically; plenary sessions are convened twice per year, twice per year – Presidency sessions. Mr. Torosyan highlighted the existence of this format, since it is a good opportunity for meetings and contacts, which is important thing in starting bilateral new activities. In this context Mr. Torosyan highlighted the existence of Armenian-Georgian Interparliamentary Committee. Though there are no bilateral relations with Azerbaijan, Armenia always said that it is ready for meetings, debates around the most difficult issues. We are trying to use the opportunities, which the Council of Europe, the OSCE and NATO Parliamentary Commissions undertake. According to Mr. Torosyan, the regional cooperation is of great importance in conflicts settlement, in solution of existing problems.

In response to the guests' question, whether there are disagreements between the opposition and government regarding the approaches of Karabakh conflict settlement, Mr. S. Demirchyan, Head of Ardarutiun/Justice faction and Mr. H. Margaryan, member of the Country of Law party, mentioned that there are no disagreements regarding this issue and the points of views mainly coincide.

Touching upon the government-parliament relationship Mr. G. Arsenyan, Head of the ULP faction noted that the reformed Constitution has increased the contact between the government and deputies, besides the question-answer sessions the MPs have got an opportunity to make inquiries to the government as well.

Mr. Georges Colombier, member of the Monitoring Committee, highlighted free and fair holding of upcoming elections, considering them as a serious touchstone for Armenia.

Mr. Torosyan also highlighted holding of elections in conformity with the European standards, mentioning that, first of all, it is necessary for Armenia. Armenia has mainly met the obligations undertaken in the Council of Europe: ratified all the CE conventions, a few laws are left to be adopted. Though the most important thing is, according to Mr. Torosyan, to carry them out, particularly the quality of the elections.

The draft Law on Radio and Television, women involvement in the Parliament and other issues of mutual interest were also touched upon.

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