Performance of RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is 97.5% in 2023
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In 2023, the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs spent 705.6bln AMD, which was 15% more than the allocation of 2022. The year plan was 653.7bln AMD, but those financial means increased conditioned by the forcible displacement of our compatriots from Nagorno Karabakh. During the year 17 programmes and 107 measures were implemented. The RA Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan said this, presenting for debate at June 3 joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Labor and Social Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the relevant parts of the annual report on the RA State Budget Execution for 2023.

The RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan presented in detail the performance of the works implemented in the department in the financial year. According to the Minister, the performance of the structure led by him was 97.5%. It was noted that in 2024, the programmes and financing will be much more.

Narek Mkrtchyan touched upon the issue of providing apartments to our compatriots displaced from separate regions of Nagorno Karabakh. 1.6bln AMD for 839 beneficiary families was directed to the measure Providing state support ensuring housing affordability for the families displaced from separate regions of Nagorno Karabakh within the framework of Housing ensuring programme.

“In 2023, we have moved to a practical phase in the RA border settlements, the so called 16mln projects, according to him, within the framework of 16mln AMD the state supports the project of building a private house by mortgage in the border rural communities. The per5formance of the project and the demand are rather big. In 2023, we had a work approved by 280 beneficiaries. When we had certain improvements, I can say that that the number of the apartments surpasses 1100, and 660 out of them were credited. Part of the apartments is already ready, people live there, and in one part, construction works of different degrees are underway,” the Minister said and added that the project will be definitely changed and become more targeted.

Regarding the ensuring employment programmes, the Minister noted that in 2023, the Ministry continued implementing an ensuring employment programme, which provided professional education and/or stable employment for 526 persons, who participated in military operations unleashed by Azerbaijan in 2016, 2020, 2022.

The programme was implemented by pilot logic, had three components: training, education, experience achievement, as well as the state encouraged the employers to hire the war participants.

“Besides, studying the programme, we understood that it gives positive results, and we expanded the beneficiaries’ list. From 2023 we include not only the war participants, but also those who demobilized from military service. Before demobilization we do certain work in the military units, trying to understand what expectations, skills necessary training can occur. After demobilization we can already have certain data and direct relevant spheres and programmes,” Narek Mkrtchyan said.

The Minister answered the deputies’ multiple questions and gave clarifications.

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