Senate Speaker of the Republic of Poland in National Assembly

On November 6 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly had a private talk with Mr. Bogdan Borusewicz, Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, who was on an official visit in Armenia. Mr. Tomasz Knothe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Armenia and Mr. Ashot Galoyan, Ambassador of Armenia to Poland attended the meeting.

Stating with satisfaction that dynamic developing relations have been established during the passed 15 years between Armenia and Poland, the NA President Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that the visit of Mr. Bogdan Borusewicz will become a new impetus for deepening those relations. The NA President also highlighted the visit of the Senate Speaker of Poland within the framework of Euro integration policy, noting that Armenia proclaimed the Euro integration its priority of foreign policy. And Poland, becoming member of the European Union two years ago, has accumulated sufficient experience, which is useful and interesting for Armenia. After signing the New Neighbourhood Programme with the European Union, the Armenian-Polish relations will obtain new opportunities of development. Touching upon the relations with NATO, Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that Individual Partnership Programme is carried out with Poland, and there are also cooperation opportunities with Poland in this context. In the National Assembly Parliamentary Friendship Group with Poland is set up, an Ad-hoc Committee on Matters of Integration in European Structures functions, sufficient experience has been accumulated in the context of the contacts in the international structures. All this is a good basis for developing the Armenian-Polish ties, also taking into account the centuries-long friendship. Mr. Bogdan Borusewicz, Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, who was first time in Armenia, noted that representatives of Senate and Seim and Government are involved in the delegation, and that fact witnesses that Poland pays great importance to the development of relations with Armenia. Mr. Borusewicz noted that compared with the 90s, Armenia, in fact, has made a big progressive step. Speaking with satisfaction about the policy of deepening relations with EU and NATO, he expressed readiness to contribute to those processes. The Senate Speaker of Poland highlighted the holding of 2007 parliamentary elections in compliance with European standards, as the development of Armenia greatly depends on it. Mr. Borusewicz highlighted the peaceful settlement of conflicts, as well as the Nagorno Karabakh and Russian-Georgian issues for the stability and development of Armenia and the region.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan mentioned the position of the Armenian side in the solution of the NK issue through peaceful negotiations, noting with satisfaction, that the last recommendations of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs dealing with that issue about ten years distinguish with the real perception of the situation, and accept as a basis not the contradiction of the internationally adopted two principles – the right of the nations’ self-determination and territorial integrity, but the comparison of them. As the NA President assessed, such approach is flexible in the context of seeking solutions, which will satisfy Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh. In connection with the Russian-Georgian relations, the NA President noted that Armenia is interested in quick overcoming of contradictions and weakening the aggravation. Mr. Tigran Torosyan highlighted in this issue the balanced attitude of EU and European other structures and noted that Armenia is ready to do everything for it. He noted that the economy of Armenia is having great losses as a result of this conflict.

During the meeting the parties touched upon other issues as well.

The private talk of the presidents of two parliaments followed the meeting with the extended staff, the members of the delegation of the Senate of the Republic of Poland and Seim and RA NA Committees, factions and groups.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan thanked Mr. Borusewicz on the occasion of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the Parliament of Poland, highlighting the understanding displayed by the Polish in that sensitive matter and the importance of the step in preventing such tragedies. Speaking about the referendum held a year ago, Mr. Torosyan noted that the improvement of the Constitution also created bases for deepening the Euro integration, complying the legislation of Armenia with European standards. It was also noted that Armenia mainly has fulfilled the undertaken obligations while joining the Council of Europe.

Reaffirming the interest of Poland to the developments of Armenia and the region, Mr. Borusewicz noted that despite the geographical distance, the Armenians and the Polish had cooperated from the times of Rech Pospolita. He informed that the Minstry of Foreign Affairs of Poland had proposed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia to present the interests of Armenia in Turkey and the interests of Turkey in Armenia, contributing to the establishment of ties between two countries, making impossible the understanding with little steps.

Mr. Torosyan noted that in this matter Armenia’s position is known: our country is ready for dialogue without any preconditions. He noted that the idea is good, but it's difficult to fulfill, taking into account the positions of the Turkish side. The NA President considered unacceptable the steps taken in joining the European Union in the conditions of the ongoing blockade by Turkey.

During the meeting both parties highlighted the Ambassadors’ good work, which can greatly be useful in deepening relations, fulfilling certain programmes.

Mr. Bogdan Borusewicz, Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, invited the NA President with an official visit to Poland, estimating the mutual visits as a serious impetus in strengthening the ties.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed.