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Ambassador of Canada at the National Assembly

On November 22 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received the newly appointed Ambassador of Canada to Armenia Mr. Ralph Lysyshyn.

The NA President expressed confidence that with the appointment of Mr. Lysyshin the Armenian- Canadian relations will enter a new stage, being at high level and at the same time having new opportunities of development. Mr. Torosyan stressed the importance of relations with Canada considering the role of this country in world politics and economy, as well as the values and principles, which it believes and which are common for Armenians too. Mentioning the existence of the Canadian-Armenian parliamentary friendship group set up after the parliamentary elections of Canada, Mr. Torosyan expressed confidence after the Armenian 2007 parliamentary elections a parliamentary friendship group will be also set up in Armenia. From the view of cooperation between two countries, the role of the Canadian development agency was emphasized. The NA President highly appreciated the work of the agency and expressed hope that the volumes of joint works will increase in the future. Another base for the development of relations was also mentioned – the existence of an Armenian community in Canada, which is integrated in its best way in the social life of the country.

The Ambassador of Canada in Armenia Mr. Ralph Lysyshyn also stressed the importance of the role of the Armenian community, noting that it has a significant input in the life of his country, is one of the most organized communities and is greatly interested in the life of Armenia. The Ambassador touched upon the impressive economic successes of Armenia, which have been achieved in difficult conditions considering the position of Armenia and its problems. He noted, that the government and the parliament of his country are greatly interested in the development of relations with Armenia, and that he is ready to do his best. Mr. Lysyshyn considers, that in the sense of his appointment time he has been lucky, as Armenia enters into a phase of elections, and electoral processes always reveal more profound images. The Ambassador stressed the importance of elections, which are going to show whether Armenia moves towards western values or not.

Upon the Ambassador’s request, Mr. Tigran Torosyan informed him about the political panorama and the developments of our country. The NA President emphasized the role of the forthcoming elections not only as a means of forming a power, which guides to a development of 4-5 years, but also one of the indicators of progress of democracy. He noted, that 15 years are already sufficient for recording qualitative changes. The NA President touched upon the constitutional reforms, which have started to show themselves in the political and social lives. Among the amendments are - the abolition of administrative detention, the enshrinement of the right of citizens and 1/5 of MPs to apply to the Constitutional Court, the increase of the role of parliament in the political life of the country. In this context the full establishment of a multiparty system was emphasized, which demands a long time. It was also noted, that the increase of the role of the parliament implies certain challenges. In order to have a great role in the political life, parties are set up right before the elections. In case of victory of these parties people, who are not political persons at all, will appear in the political arena. It can be a strike for the multiparty system, if parties that have been formed during a long period of time, are pushed out. The NA President noted, that such challenges exist in every country, and the elections are a touchstone to assess the quality of democracy and multiparty system. Elections are also crossroads, and it is very important, that the continuation adopts a European direction.

During the meeting the parties also touched upon the Nagorno Karabakh issue and the relations of Armenia with Turkey. The NA President noted, that Armenia has always had a constructive position and is ready to improve its relations with Turkey without any preconditions, but Turkey is not ready for that and it lays down preconditions. In this sense the role of the international community was emphasized. Concerning the Nagorno Karabakh issue, Armenia has a clear position, and is ready for constructive steps, but these steps confront the warlike declarations of Azerbaijan and the policy of deepening hatred towards Armenians and increasing the military expenses. This kind of attitude does not speak about the willingness of the Azerbaijani side to settle the Nagorno Karabakh issue. However, Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted, that he is an optimist, and finds that the efforts of Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group may have positive results if the comparison of principles of self-determination of nations and territorial integrity – the key that is obtained with difficulty – is maintained.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed.

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