Biography of Ishkhan Zakaryan, Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

He was born on October 21, 1961 in the village Zovashen of Ararat marz.

In 1979 he finished the secondary school in Byuravan with a gold medal.

In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty for the History of the YSU with excellence and worked in Yerevan city Department of the company Gitelik/Knowledge as an organizer of lectures.

In 1989 - 1990 worked as a secretary of the Young Communists of the Spandarian district committee.

In 1990-1993 he was the Deputy Chairman of the Youth Union of Armenia.

In 1993 he was appointed as a deputy head on Youth Affairs of the Department of the National Committee of Physical Education, Sports and Youth Affairs adjunct to the RA Government.

In July 1995 he was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly. He was a member of the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs of the National Assembly.

In 1997 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Culture and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

In2000-2004 he was the President of the National Olympic Committee of Armenia.

In 2003-2007 he worked as a Chairman of the National Committee of Physical Education and Sports adjunct to the RA Government.

He was awarded with a Movses Khorenatsi Medal and an Order of Honour by the Association of the International Olympic Committee.

He is a member of the political council of the Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia) party.

On May 12, 2007 he was elected as a deputy of the National Assembly from the PAP proportional electoral list.

On June 7, 2007 he was elected Vice President of the National Assembly.

He is married and has three children.

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