Special Session of the National Assembly Began

On June 27 the National Assembly began the work of the special session, which according to Article 70 of RA Constitution, was convened by the initiative of the President of the Republic of Armenia and by defined agenda.

The parliament decided by voting to hold discussions of the draft laws, which passed from the first reading to the second reading after voting them in the first reading within 24 hours.

Mr. Gevorg Danielyan, Minister of Justice presented for the first reading the draft law on Making Amendment and Addenda to the RA law on RA International Treaties.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, NA President, delivered a special speech on the draft law. He noted that the debated draft law is of great importance and should have one aim (the provisions, approaches, included in the draft law on International Treaties, which refer to international treaties, must comply with RA Constitution if there are discrepancies). Though, it’s important not to come out from the frameworks set by the Constitution. But, he said that the second article of the proposed draft is incomplete, which was debated with the main speaker, and an agreement was reached to present an edited version for the second reading. And the shortcoming is that according to paragraph C of Article 81 of RA Constitution, the National Assembly must ratify international treaties envisaging financial obligations.

The MPs of RPA, Zharangutyun/Heritage, Orinats Yerkir/Country of Law factions and independent MP Mr. Viktor Dallakyan expressed their views about the draft.

Mr. Raffi Hovhannisian, head of the faction presented the view of the “Zharangutyun” faction. He noted that the faction is against the voting of the draft, as the amendments will result in the limitation of the authorities of the parliament.

Mr. Armen Alaverdyan, Deputy Head of the Tax State Service adjunct to RA Government submitted to the MPs’ consideration the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to RA law on Simplified Tax in the first reading.

The MPs’ positions on the draft laws were mainly positive.

Mr. Vardan Ayvazyan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs presented the committee’s endorsement.

The debate of the draft law will continue at June 28 session of the National Assembly from 11a.m.