Ambassador of Ireland in the National Assembly

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received Mr. Geoffrey Keating, the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland to Armenia.

Congratulating on the occasion of the appointment the President of the National Assembly expressed confidence that the Ambassador’s activity should promote the development of friendship and cooperation of the two countries. Though Armenia and Ireland are geographically far from each other, it cannot be an obstacle when modern technology is present. The President of the National Assembly touched upon the similarities of the two countries, noting the historical developments and the influence of the big Diaspora. Mr. President informed the Ambassador that a parliamentary friendship group with the parliament of Ireland had already been set up in the National Assembly, which aims to develop the development of the inter-parliamentary relations. Mentioning the economic development of the two countries during the last years, the President of the National Assembly pointed out the possibility of the development and realization of the concrete programs since 2008, noting that the cooperation may be carried out within the framework of the EU member countries and the New Neighbourhood Programme. High technologies and the exchange of experience in the sphere of science and education were considered as cooperation directions.

Mr. Geoffrey Keating, the Ambassador of Ireland to Armenia, also mentioning the historical-cultural and present parallels between the two countries and nations, highlighted their development and assured that will do utmost to promote the development of inter-state and inter-parliamentary ties. The Ambassador also considered necessary the mutual visits and meetings.

At the Ambassador’s request the President of the National Assembly also touched upon the electoral activities, detailing their legislative parts, it was noted that the National Assembly had done an important work actively cooperating with the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR, complying the legislative field with the constitutional reforms. The amendments of the Electoral Code were highlighted in that framework, which being carried out after the May elections aim to promote the creation of the perfect legislative bases as far as it is possible also to hold the upcoming presidential elections in compliance with the democratic standards and to be worth of the high assessment of the international structures, which enables to assure that a good electoral tradition is fixed in Armenia.

Other issues of mutual interest were debated during the meeting.