Greek Ambassador in the National Assembly

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Tigran Torosyan received the newly appointed Ambassador of Greece in Armenia Mr. Ioannis Korintios on December 6.

Congratulating the Ambassador for his appointment the President of National Assembly expressed confidence that Mr. Korentios will promote with his activity the deepening of relationship between the two nations and states. Reminding him about the visit of the President Mr. Karolias Papoulias to Armenia several months ago, Mr. Torosyan noted that it was like an occasion to record once again the existence of the relations and new perspectives and  opportunities at high level, which were created due to economic development. The President of National Assembly said that in the fourth convocation of the National Assembly a parliamentary friendship group with Greek parliament had already been set up. According to Mr. Torosyan, the development of inter-parliamentary relations could be an important part of the development in the political, cultural and defence spheres, and for that concrete projects should be improved, which should be based on the proposals of the two parliaments. The President of the National Assembly noted that the parliamentary delegations of the two countries co-operated in international structures in a good way, mentioning also the European Parliament where Greece has a delegation, but Armenia has not. He expressed willingness to support the activity of the Ambassador in Armenia.

The Greek Ambassador to Armenia Mr. Ioannis Korintios noted that the appointment in Armenia was a great honour for him, and he has a goal to contribute to the development of historically formed friendly relations. The Ambassador, who is well aware of the procedure of the inter-parliamentary relations, expressed readiness to convey the proposals of the President of the National Assembly, and he is sure that he will have a rapid response from the parliament of Greece, as his country has a great interest in the development of the relations with Armenia and he is impressed of the great political and economic successes of Armenia. At his request the President of the National Assembly of Armenia informed him about the legislative activity of the parliament highlighting the importance of holding the upcoming presidential elections with democratic standards for the provision of legislative bases of which the National Assembly adopted the improved Electoral Code.

Both sides emphasized the successful holding of presidential elections which will promote the deepening of Euro integration and, as Mr. Korintios said, the deepening of Armenia-European Union relations.

At the meeting other issues were also discussed.

Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the National Assembly
On December 6 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Tigran Torosyan received the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Armenia Mr. Nikolay Pavlov.Mr. Pavlov handed over the invitation on participation at the first sitting of the newly elected State Duma of the Russi...

Ambassador of Ireland in the National Assembly
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