Parliamentary Hearings on Armenian-Turkish Relations: Problems and Perspectives Began at the National Assembly

On December 19 at the National Assembly the two-day parliamentary hearings on Armenian-Turkish Relations: Problems and Perspectives organized by the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations began. The hearings attended MPs, representatives and experts of the Government, diplomatic missions, international, political and public organizations, centers of political studies.

Welcoming those present Mr. Armen Rustamyan, Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations noted the conduct of the hearings has matured long ago. It was noted that it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Armenian-Turkish relations and there is such issue, which has been influential in the history, past, present and future of our people. Mr. Rustamyan noted that the Armenian-Turkish relations with their inclusion, perception and volume went out of the inner-state format of the relations of the two countries and naturally, the parliament should be included in that process. In his words the parliamentary hearings aim to clarify the reasons of the existing crisis in the Armenian-Turkish relations as a result of wide discussion, assess the character of the existing problems and specify the opportunities and mechanisms of the parliamentary diplomacy in the settlement of those relations.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly gave an opening speech:

“Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I would like to welcome everybody for being here today. It is very important for us that at these hearings representatives of not only parliament and parties take part, but also representatives of all layers of the society, scientific circles. It is also important that diplomatic representatives of different countries and different organizations take part, as this problem is of unique significance not only from the view of bilateral relations. In this aspect, I would like to greatly assess that role that the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of parliament had during the organization of these hearings. I would like to remind that we had a discussion on the NK issue in this hall, and life showed that it was not only necessary, but very useful discussion. Moreover, I would like to say that with today’s hearings we should not only finish or put full stop on the problem of the Armenian-Turkish relations, but, on the contrary, though numerous meetings, numerous discussions by different circles dedicated to the Armenian-Turkish relations in our country are being permanently carried out, but these hearings at that plane are of specific importance. With this I think a door of wide discussions and an opportunity is opened, and during these two days, we, probably, must not only give answers to numerous questions and problems, but, what is not less important, we’ll distinctly formulate the issues, approaches pertaining to those relations, the principles of their assessment.

The parliament is ready to carry out such events, not only such events, but also events, which will result in from these hearings. Moreover, the parliament is also ready to have its important role at the international plane from the view of the settlement of the  two countries ' relations. In this aspect I would like also to stress today’s event, and I am sure that it will have its continuation.

Dear friends, in order not to overload your attention we decided to propose you to accept the view mentioned below as the view of the Republican Party.

The Armenian-Turkish relations or any more or less very complicated problem have different layers, different components: economic, political, cultural and also psychological. But it is evident that at the course of time, perhaps, the political component was drawn to the first place with psychological context. I would like to stress once again that this component is not only of importance of the bilateral relations, but also regional (I mean our neighbours and our country), and of wider significance (I mean the big region, where Armenia and Turkey are situated). While discussing such complicated problems the most important issue that must be solved is the following: in what system of values those problems will be discussed and in what context of global phenomena or processes? I think this is the key, which can take us to the settlement of relations, because when there is no distinction, when the approaches are not clear, various issues come to the sight, and they, coming on one another, result in rather difficult situation, and it seems to be that everyone from the sides has questions, which are very important in itself, but this does not help to solve the problem. In this case, I think that we have wonderful opportunity to formulate the system of values and the plane, where those problems should be solved. That will be really the opportunity, which in case of fully and honest use, to settle the relations. Our country repeatedly stated that the European integration is a superior direction in its foreign relations. Turkey and us are member countries of the Council of Europe. Turkey aims at joining the European Union. I think it’s evident that the plane where we must discuss the existing problems is the plane of European integration, the principles and values, which we must apply for the solution of the existing problems, breaking the difficult knots, European values and the process of Euro integration. It’s very important that the sides should have sincere and direct attitude at this plane, and for its disclosure, indeed, if there exists a system of values and there are principles, everything becomes very easy. This is one of the important circumstances, which taking into account, we constantly have announced years long, that we believe that Turkey’s aspiration to the European Union is extremely important, and we would like that Turkey to be a member of the European Union, but it is, of course, obvious that there exists also the second problem. The problem is not that at Armenia’s will this or that country joins the European Union. Absolutely not, we, certainly understand that very well. I believe that one thing is clear: any country would like its neighbour to be within the frameworks of the system of distinct values, principles adopted for it. The basis is to be predictable, the relations to be safe that gives us opportunity to express such will. Finally, the countries join the European Union not only based on the opinion of their neighbour and other countries, but also meeting the well known standards and principles, and, of course, we would like our all neighbours to meet those principles and standards. Another circumstance is also very important, it is necessary that the European structures will have clear and distinct position in connection with our relationship not in the aspect of intruding into our relations or solving the problems instead of us. Absolutely. But the clear and distinct positions, which are determined in the system of well-known principles and values, will make us give ourselves an account. Have we functioned in the system of values which we have adopted joining the Council of Europe, which we have adopted stating the European integration as a ruling direction or not? And here everybody’s desires and sincerity must be clarified. One thing is obvious: that our neighbours, in contrast with our country, put preconditions from the view of improving relations. But will even proposing preconditions, still not referring to their content, be included in the frameworks of European approaches, European integration or well-known principles and values? I would not like to accuse our neighbours, but those values and the whole process of European integration convince us that it’s not like that. I would like to remind one example, which, I think is very obvious. The bases of the European Union were laid down in 1949, during a rather hard period, when the World War II just ended, and everybody was thinking that a new French-German war will start due to well-known problems: mines, etc. And at that moment really a miracle occurred, a miracle, but not as in a folk-tale, but due to the fact that those values and principles were close to France and Germany. And putting aside the existing problems, the two countries laid down the bases of European integration and European Union, leaving all the problems to the future because they stressed the future of Europe, understanding quite well the challenges facing the region, and finally ensuring their dedication to European values and principles. This is a very important example. Regardless who and how will substantiate his/her preconditions, this wonderful example shows that if there exists a real desire to solve problems, then one should choose a right plane, right values, principles, build relations based on them and cancel step by step the solution of the existing problems to the future.

When Armenia declared and is declaring that it is ready to establish diplomatic relations without preconditions, deepen cooperation, and it is done not because there is no problem in our relations. Of course, the 1921 Treaty of Kars, with which two countries, without Armenia’s participation, drew the borders of Armenia. Those problems have been spoken about, and they will be spoken about today and are going to be spoken about, but we emphasize, certainly, the plane, where the relations should be regulated. We are sure that, yes, if it is so difficult, then it is only possible to establish a dialogue without preconditions, establish relations and ensure trust, referring to the existing problems. This is the only way. This is the only way not only due to our position, not at all. this is the only way at the plane and within the framework of the values, about which I said.

If we refer to those preconditions, then I think it will be obvious that they can’t become a basis of settlement of the two countries’ relations. Turkey offers several conditions, it says you must forget the Genocide, but the same Turkey denounced that phenomenon in its courts and sentenced to death penalty those people, who were the leaders. Now, we don’t say let’s speak about this, but isn’t it obvious that if the Genocide becomes a precondition, then it would be Armenia’s precondition as recognition from Turkey. But Armenia doesn’t do that. It is said, you know your compatriots, who live outside, who, unfortunately, due to those tragic events don’t live in our motherland, they say: make them silent, let them not speak about Genocide, let them not speak against Turkey’s membership to the European Union, but let’s see in the system of value, in the framework of human freedom and right of speech to what extent that question is substantial. Armenia has no moral right to make our compatriots be silent, as well as no wish. Our numerous compatriots are citizens of different countries of the European Union and they have as much right to take part at the discussion of different problems, as any other citizens of those countries without taking into account what origin they have. Moreover, that our compatriots are lawful citizens of the countries, where they live. Here at the plane of the European values there is no substantiation for any precondition. It is said: you will solve this or that problem in connection with Karabakh, and at that time we shall be ready to speak to you. There is something surprising, only yesterday I had come across online an opinion of the Azerbaijani analyst, according to whom, the settlement of the relations between Turkey and Armenia will help us for the settlement of the Karabakh issue. Frankly said, this was very unexpected for me and it was for the first time. If in Azerbaijan, having very little experience they started to understand that, I think in Turkey too some time later it must be realized. We invited our partners and the representatives of different layers of Turkey to take part in these hearings, unfortunately, at least one person is not present in this hall. And how must be the solution of the problem if not through dialogue.

I don’t want to overload your attention and I would like to sum up in brief. Indeed, we see the solution of the problem at the plane of the European integration, this is very important, and for our little region and European family, and here we expect much more active participation of the European structures, in particular, of PACE. Eventually, we, the two countries, are members of that structure and it’s very important that besides the statement of common kind wishes, there will be concrete initiatives by those organizations. I don’t expect that anybody, any structure must solve our problems, but I expect that being faithful to the values, which are declared, those organizations must display initiative in the plane of those values. That will be the best support to our two countries. Second, I would like to repeat once again, yes, for us it is very desirable, that our neighbours, including, Turkey, will be member of the European Union, unreservedly meeting all conditions, which are for the countries having such aspirations. I am sure that at that time it will be easier to solve other numerous problems. And the third, we continued to insist years long and we should continue to insist that we are ready to establish relations, dialogue without preconditions, and that will be the path for success. We have necessary will and we have necessary courage not to put burden on historians. The historians have their work, nobody disturbs them to do their work, but the settlement of the political problems is the work of the political forces, political figures, and we should display that will and capacity.

Ending my speech, I would like to express confidence that, indeed, in this hall the scheduled discussions will be useful, and we’ll try to clarify the plane, where we shall have discussions, the problems, which are very important for us, and the most important thing is to point out the ways, which will lead us to the settlement of the relations regardless of the fact the people being in the hall or being outside of this hall will support the mentioned ways. The sincere approach and the indication of that path are as important, as the real choice of that path.”

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