OSCE PA Special Envoy in the National Assembly

On September 5 the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr Tigran Torosyan received the Special Envoy on Nagorno Karabakh conflict of the OSCE PA President Mr Goran Lennmarker. The permanent representative to Armenia in OSCE Mr Ashot Hovakimyan attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guest the NA President expressed his satisfaction that a man who is well aware of the Nagorno Karabakh issue, will continue to be involved with such complicated problem.

As the Special Envoy on Nagorno Karabakh conflict of the President of the OSCE PA Mr Goran Lennmarker, the moment of the visit is very complicated for the region: being in Gori Mr Lennmarker was convinced once again that war can never be a means of settling a conflict. He believes that for finding out the reasons of the Georgian-Ossetian short war a committee was formed from international observers for studying the situation and the important thing is to prevent the possible repetition, is necessary to create. In two weeks in the upcoming OSCE PA in Toronto Mr Lennmarker should present a report on the conflict. As he assessed, it is the right moment for the countries of the region to work together. Touching upon the evasion of Armenia in the regional economic programmes (railway communication, oil and gas pipelines), and considering those steps wrong, Mr Lennmarker expressed hope that it would be corrected. He highly assessed the policy pursued by Armenia in the region and ensured his expectation in the Armenian-Turkish relations from the upcoming visit first time to Armenia the President of Turkey for watching the game of the football national teams of the two countries.

The NA Speaker Mr Tigran Torosyan also believes that we cannot allow a restart of war with any purpose, nevertheless, wars start. He excludes the effectiveness of the military solutions of the conflicts and noted with regret that sometimes the politicians announce that the international right does not fully regulate the solution of this or that conflict, in reality, but the international right distinctly records the solutions, simply different states, stemming from their interests evade some provisions of that right or present the part expedient for them. The NA Speaker believes that the three countries of the region should seriously make conclusions from what happened. He expressed wish that in Lennmarker’s preparing report the idea of the integration in the South Caucasus will be included.

During the meeting the sides also touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations: as Mr Lennmarker assessed Armenia has a historical opportunity to help Turkey, where today very powerful forces want to make the country a modern European country, but they face two difficulties. Being a Muslim country, they do not separate the state and religion in Turkey, the acting government, the members of which are believers, wishes that, and it is very important from the view of approaching the European civilization: Turkey should find strength to overcome its past, acknowledging the fact of Genocide and with its wish become member of the European Union, when all standards would be established in the country, which is a universal norm in EU member countries: the protected human rights, democracy, uncorrupted society, etc. In this aspect Mr Lennmarker highlights the establishment of the Armenian-Turkish relations, the first step of which should be the opening of the one-sided closed border by Turkey. He emphasized the psychological influence of the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations in Turkey, which will not allow the nationalistic forces to have power and enable Turkey to become a real European country.

The NA Speaker Mr Tigran Torosyan noted that Armenia always stated that it is ready to establish relations with Turkey without preconditions but Turkey is the one, who puts preconditions. Nevertheless, today is the time for looking at tomorrow with hope. There are serious clashes of the interests of different countries but the first who should be interested in cooperation should be the countries of the region – for establishing peace, security and welfare.

Regarding the Nagorno Karabakh issue Mr Lennmarker emphasized once again that the Georgian-Ossetian war testified that the conflict could be settled through military way, there should be a peaceful solution by the sides’ mutual agreement. He mentioned the experience of the European countries when the countries having severe wars against each other could find ways of cooperation.

As the NA Speaker Mr Tigran Torosyan said in the debates on Nagorno Karabakh conflict a rough mistake is often made: evading the third and the most important side of the conflict – the Nagorno Karabakh and its people, which is the most interested side because its freedom is the priority.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed.

Within the framework of the regional visit the Special Envoy on Nagorno Karabakh conflict of the President of the OSCE PA Mr Goran Lennmarker on September 5 met Mr Armen Rustamyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations in the National Assembly.

Welcoming the guests Mr Rustamyan presented his assessments over the regional developments. In his words a new situation was created in the region, and Armenia tries to keep its approaches and relations in the same way, because the path, with which Armenia was going on in the whole logics of the conflicts’ settlement was right and should be continued. Mr Rustamyan noted that the conflicts differ from each other, and their resolution should be found by separating them. The conflict will be fully solved when the appropriate process reaches its end. In that aspect in the processes of the conflict settlement Armenia abstained in carrying out actions on its own, and always tried to contribute with its behaviour to the process of the settlement, international negotiation process and become more effective. Toucing upon the possibility of recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Mr Rustamyan noted that if Armenia had not recognized even the independence of Karabakh, independence of Kosovo up to now, naturally it’s not logical to recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In the created situation Armenia will rely on 2 approaches” to actively take part in the processes, which will promote the settlement of the issue through peace and not to fulfill steps, which will add the existing tension.

Touching upon the issue of the settlement of the Karabakh conflict Armenia will strive for reaching its goal in order not to have deviation from the path of the peaceful settlement. Armenia will make an initiative for the conflicting sides Armenia, Azerbaijan and Karabakh to sign a document, which will exclude the use of force. To Mr Rustamyan’s conviction the Minsk Group process should be continued because the change of the format can result in serious tension. In Mr Armen Rustamyan’s words the Minsk Group Co-chair countries Russia, USA and France recognized the independence of Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia in this or that way.

Mr Rustamyan welcomed the Caucasus House initiative of Turkey, at the same time noting that it is not possible to reach regional full cooperation with 3 + 2 format (South Caucasus countries and Russia and Turkey) without participation of Iran. He believes that 3 + 3 format is right.

Agreeing with Mr Rustamyan’s approaches Mr Lennmarker noted that the conflicts should be solved through peace, ensuring the regional security. To his conviction, the ethnic cleansings are impossible, and the people should have the right to live in their areas. In this aspect the international observers’ presence is a necessity in South Ossetia and Abkhazia to have the truth as Mr Lennmarker welcomed the initiative of inviting the Turkish President to Armenia, noting that Mr Gul is interested in improving the relations with Armenia, and this will be, though a small but the first step for the development of the relations.

At the meeting other issues were also discussed.

The Special Envoy on Nagorno Karabakh conflict of the OSCE PA President Mr Goran Lennmarker also met with the delegation of the RA National Assembly in OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: head of delegation Mr Aram Safaryan and members Mr Armen Ashotyan, Mr Khachik Harutyunyan and Mrs Larisa Alaverdyan.

Mr Lennmarker noted that he is concerned with the situation created in Georgia. In his assessment, it is natural that the conflict arisen in the neigbouring country causes complexities for the region and Armenia.

Touching upon the visit to Georgia he considered important the exclusion of ethnic cleansings. Mr Lennmarker believes that it is necessary to create independent and unbiased committee, which will examine how the war started, so the presence of international observers is important. Speaking about conflicts, Mr Lennmarker considered impermissible their repetition and the choice of solving them through war. As a constructive step of creating regional cooperation he noted the presence of the Turkish President at September 6 upcoming Armenia-Turkey football match and his arrival to Armenia.

Regarding the Nagorno Karabakh problem Mr Lennmarker expressed his optimism and hope that in October after the upcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan a new impetus of peaceful solution will emerge.

The NA deputies presented their views on Nagorno Karabakh problem and regional conflicts. Touching upon the principles of territorial integrity and nations’ self-determination adopted in the international right, the deputies made parallels between different conflicts, reconfirmed that they consider unacceptable to solve the issues through military way in any way, in contrast to Azerbaijan, from where time and again appeals of re-starting the war sound. It was also noted that the Nagorno Karabakh problem essentially differ from other conflicts, as we should take into account that still from the moment of the collapse of the Soviet empire the Nagorno Karabakh people had been self-determined and had taken all steps of the process of self-determination according to the law. According to them, we should take into account that Nagorno Karabakh was forcibly annexed to Azerbaijan, and not the people were self-determined.

The members of NA delegation in PACE PA expressed hope that Mr Lennmarker’s appointment as Special Envoy on Nagorno Karabakh conflict will promote the settlement of the issue.

The Special Envoy on Nagorno Karabakh conflict of the OSCE PA President Mr Goran Lennmarker met with head of the ARF faction Mr Vahan Hovhannisyan in the parliament.

Presenting the ARF views and touching upon the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Mr Hovhannisyan noted that Armenia had not recognized those states with the simple reason that it had not recognized Nagorno Karabakh and Kosovo. The reason is clear because according to Mr Vahan Hovhannisyan, all conflicts have different origin, different reasons, different procedure and the issues are at different phases of the settlement. The head of the faction noted that they treat with respect the Minsk Group Co-chairs and the countries they represent – Russia, USA and France, and highly assessing their efforts, we do not wish to take any step, which will hamper the negotiation process. That is why Armenia has not recognized NK yet. The position of our country will abruptly change if Azerbaijan continues its aggressive announcements or moreover, if there are encroachments. As far as Armenia has not recognized Karabakh a task of recognizing similar region was not laid down before us because we observe this only in the context of the settlement of Karabakh conflict.

Touching upon the situation created in Georgia Mr Hovhannisyan expressed conviction that the inner situation of Georgia is the consequence of two mistakes made by the Georgian authorities. Georgia was historically as a multi-national country, the strength, stability, security and prosperity of Georgia always was based on circumspection, prudence and tolerance of the Georgian kings. But after the collapse of the USSR the Georgian leaders beginning from Gamsakhurdia up to now adopted the slogan Georgia for the Georgians, which, naturally, scared away the national minorities, a part of which tried to get separated from Georgia by force of arms. Mr Hovhannisyan noted that the Armenian Javakhk remained adherent to the Georgian statehood. In his word Armenia has no territorial claim towards Georgia but we advise our Georgian friends to show with the example of Javakhk that the police has been changed. Georgia, that has signed European Charter on National Minorities, can give Javakhk autonomy in different ways, for example, cultural autonomy, recognizing the Armenian language in Javakhk as a regional language. In this aspect Georgia will become more attractive also for other national minorities, which can see their future in confederative Georgia.

To the question of Mr Goran Lennmarker to what extent is possible the opportunity of the abrupt progress in the negotiation process after the presidential elections of Azerbaijan, Mr Vahan Hovhannisyan answered that it depends on two sides, and first of all, after the realistic assessment of the situation by Azerbaijan. The ARF proposed, which defended also the Armenian authorities, to sign a pact on not attacking. To his conviction there should be guarantees that the issue must be solved through peace. Mr Hovhannisyan noted that all the territories being under the control of Karabakh had been liberated as a zone of security and as it is they guarantee the security of Karabakh. Unless hundred percent guarantee, for example recognition of NKR, recognition of the right of self-determination of the NKR people and secure international guarantees any negotiations on compromises are not possible.

Touching upon the visit of the Turkish President Mr Abduallah Gul, Mr Hovhannisyan said that beginning from the 11th century of the campaign of Alp Arslan Mr Gul is the first Turkish leader that is coming as a guest but it does not mean that the the burden of the responsibility falls down from Mr Gul’s shoulders for the things done by the previous Turkish leaders. Today’s Turkish leaders bear responsibility for the things done by the previous leaders unless they recognize the Genocide.

At the meeting the sides discussed other issues regarding the regional problems and of bilateral interest.

Working Consultation of the National Assembly
On September 5 the working consultation presided over by the Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan was held. During the consultation the agenda of the fourth session of the National Assembly of the fourth convocation and of September 8-11 four-day sittings of the National Assembl...