Congratulatory Message from the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on the Occasion of the World Television Day

Mr Hovik Abrahamyan, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the World Television Day.

“80 years ago television came into the life of mankind, became through times an exceptional and long-awaited opportunity.

After the first experimental programme of November 29, 1956 the Armenian television entered into everybody’s life step by step, making revolution in our understandings about time and space. Today, it is impossible to imagine our life without television that besides giving detailed information about the events in the world, it became an indispensable means of the formation of public opinion and peace, security, development of economic issues, and cultural exchange, and assessing its values the UN General Assembly declared November 21 World Television Day.

I warmly congratulate all the employees of television. Let the ability of being at the right place at the right moment always at the center of attention accompany you, helping you to remain a source of information of the most important events of the country’s public-political, scientific-educational, historical-cultural life, simply a friend, without which we cannot imagine our life.”