Speaker of the RA National Assembly Expresses Condolences to the Speakers of the Two Chambers of the Parliament of India

Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr Hovik Abrahamyan expressed condolences on the occasion of the terrorist attacks that occurred in Mumbai to Speaker of Rajya Sabha Mr Mohammad Hamid Ansari and Speaker of Lok Sabha Mr Somnath Chatterjee.

It says: “We learnt with grief about the tragedy in Mumbai, and about hundreds of killed and injured innocent people. I express my deepest condolences on behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and personally on my behalf to you, members of the Parliament, families of those killed and wish speedy recovery to the injured.

We always condemned and condemn the terrorism. We are sure that the organizers and executors of this unprecedented crime will get their condign punishment.”

Men’s National Chess Team of Armenia in the National Assembly
On November 29 the Armenian chess players, who won in the 38th World Olympiad in Dresden were the guests of the National Assembly. The NA Vice Speakers, the MPs, the members of personnel attended the meeting with them.Welcoming the chess players and the guests, RA NA Speaker Mr Hovik Abrah...