Telegram of Condolences to Astsatryans’ Family

RA NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan sent condolences to the close relatives and friends of the state, public, economic prominent figure Yeghishe Astsatryan on his death. “The development of a number of branches of Armenia's national economy is connected with the name of Yeghishe Astsatryan. He had serious contribution to the sphere of economics too,” noted the NA President, expressing grief on behalf of the National Assembly and on behalf of him on the moment of their heavy loss.

MPs are Proposed to Review the Anti-Constitutional Provisions
On December 3, the parliament voted to continue the work of the four -day sittings. The MPs adopted the agreements and legislative initiatives, as well as the proposal to the law on Referendum, debated the previous day.During the third sitting of the National Assembly they also debated five internat...

Ambassador of Italy in the National Assembly
On December 3 RA NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan received Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Armenia Mr Massimo Lavezzo Cassinelli. Highlighting the inter-parliamentary relations with Italy NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan noted that the development of the ties between the parliaments had ...