Address by President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan on the Occasion of Victory and Peace Day

Dear compatriots!

I congratulate you on May 9, on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day.

This holiday is the symbol of the victories of the Armenian people, who fought for living in peace and creating, for identity and long living. During the Great Patriotic War the Armenian people conscientiously took part fighting against evil not getting recovered from the wound of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian soldiers passed through the turmoil of World War II and had their contribution in destructing the Nazism, getting the selfless support of those who stayed in the rear.

Nowadays the wreath of the past victories is the capture of Shushi and liberation of Artsakh. That war was imposed on the Armenian people. We stood for our freedom and identity, prevented the danger of genocide hung over the head of the Artsakh Armenians and saved from destruction the rich cultural heritage of Artsakh. Our victory in this war once again proved the Armenian freedom loving spirit, pride and longevity of resoluteness that pass from generation to generation.

Glory and honour to the Armenian courageous sons, who fought and won for the liberation of the Motherland, for today’s peace, immortality to the Armenian martyrs, who gave their lives for the Fatherland.

I congratulate the Armenian people, who deserved the right to live in peace, on the occasion of this holiday. I wish them new successes, creative urge and achievements, welfare and happiness.

President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan Participates in the Events Organized on the Occasion of Victory and Peace Day
On May 9 President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan participated in the events, which were organized on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day. They took place at Yerevan Victory Park. The Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II, Prime Minister of the Republic of Arm...