Discussion in the Committee

On September 24 the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment of the National Assembly organized discussion with the participation of concerned agencies and organizations on the amendments made by the government to the law on RA Water National Programme.

Deputy Head of the Water Resource Management Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection Mr. Volodya Narimanyan said that by the acting law the state authority body of standardization defines the norms of water quality, and the standard is not a norm of obligatory fulfillment. Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Mr. Simon Papyan noted that the agencies will carry out the control, according to authorities. The participants of the discussion hold the same opinion that today there are problems regarding the quality of water, in connection with which the members of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment expressed concern. Chairman of the Committee Mr. Khachik Harutyunyan said that the reason of 50% is water without quality, and that 25 million people die every year in the world because of that, therefore they must pay attention to the provision of the quality of water.

Euro Integration Activity Continues
On September 24, Ms. Naira Zohrabyan, Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration of the National Assembly, met with the Polish delegation, headed by the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Micholai Dovgilevich, State Secretary on European Integration.Ms. Zohrabyan said that Armenian – Polish rela...