Restart of Productive Cooperation Expects

On September 29, 2009 Ms. Arevik Petrosyan, Vice President of the National Assembly, received Dr. Jatinder Cheema, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director. In the pivot of the meeting were the issues, related to the restart of the interrupted USAID/Armenia program, to the process of work organization, and to the issues related to the choice of areas.

Conveying the greetings of Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, Ms. Arevik Petrosyan, Vice President of the National Assembly said that the President of the National Assembly highlights the importance of the continuation and cooperation of the USAID/Armenia program. Ms. Petrosyan presented her approaches towards the organization and cooperation of the works about further issues.

Both sides discussed professional and technical development concrete issues within the framework of the program. The importance of signing  a memorandum, which will clarify the framework of the cooperation and its results, was mutually agreed.

Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan is in Iran on an Official Visit
On September 29 the official visit of the Speaker of RA National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan to the Islamic Republic of Iran began.In the afternoon in Mehrabad Airport of Tehran Mr. Saeed Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi-Fard, first deputy of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran...

Heads of Gegharkunik Communities in the National Assembly
On the initiative of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment of the National Assembly, on September 29, Governor of Gegharkunik province, Heads of communities, representatives of state departments and NGOs were invited to the parliament to discuss the use of the lands adjacent to the S...