Speech of the President of RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan At the Parliamentary Hearings on “Initiated Protocols and Normalization Process of Armenia-Turkey Relations”

Dear colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I welcome you and express hope that during these hearings we’ll discuss in detail the current stage of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations, as well as the two initiated protocols reflecting the reached agreements.

The goal of these hearings is to enable the deputies, political forces represented in the parliament to discuss the issue from the professional and political view, submit approaches and proposals.

The National Assembly is the high tribune from where the deputies representing different layers of the people and having an exclusive right of speaking in the name of the people can submit the most important issues with open discussions to the attention of the public.

These hearings are special, as for the first time an opportunity has been given to discuss in detail the important international documents before signing them. I highlight very much everybody’s activeness in this issue. The National Assembly must undertake an active role in public discussions both in Armenia and in Diaspora.

The study of the protocols demands serious professional analysis. However, they announce a positive beginning: establishment of normal relations between two neighbours, a principle, which is fixed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, which is number one guarantee of the secure and normal development of the states.

With the initiated protocols Armenia and Turkey expressed willingness to find main directions of the implementation of good-neighbourly relations based on the common interests. But the publication of the documents promoted the awareness of our society and Armenians all over the world, giving possibility of organizing public discussions at different levels, the involvement of international community and the increase of everybody’s obligation.

The protocols being finally signed by the executive bodies, according to the requirements of Article 81 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, are subject to ratification of the National Assembly. It is one more occasion to examine the issue.

Since gaining independence many negotiations have been pursued at different levels in order to improve the Armenian-Turkish relations. Today, the tangible progress recorded in the normalization process of the Armenian-Turkish relations I consider as a turning point and an event of historical importance, which can be of political and economic considerable significance for the two countries.

I personally greet and support the active foreign policy initiated by the President of the Republic of Armenia in the issues of solving the regional conflicts, in particular the Nagorno Karabakh problem through peaceful way, as well as normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions.

The normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations is an important process for both sides, which requires a manifestation of political will by the executive and legislative bodies of the two concerned states.

I don’t say that there are no problems, and all of us have our concerns. I am aware of the discontents and concerns of some part of the society, but we should realize there is danger in every initiative, in particular the lessons learnt from the history prompt us to be more alert, take into account with whom we negotiate, not to forget the tricks of the Turkish diplomacy and pursue the negotiations in a way that the settlement of the relations will not have any relation with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict or recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which are not issues of bargaining. Two days ago during the framework of my visit to Iran I had an occasion to discuss these concerns at the important and effective meeting organized with the representatives of the Iranian-Armenian community. Perhaps, we also had to organize public discussions over the problem in the Diaspora earlier.

I would like to underscore and emphasize that the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations does not suppose at all subordination to national interests or denial from the issues of national importance. First of all, it refers to the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Since the moment of independence the Republic of Armenia has supported the cause of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and its condemnation, which is a problem of restoration of historical justice for the Republic of Armenia. It is fixed “by the declaration of Armenia” of August 23, 1990, being a component part of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. The international recognition of the Armenian Genocide occupies a key role in the series of the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy.

By the establishment of the Armenian-Turkish relations, in our opinion, the process of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide will turn into a new phase. The rise of the official level of the relations will give opportunity to settle the unsolved issues between the two countries through civilized way at state level, by dialogue and in the atmosphere of mutual respect. I do not exclude that the development of relations in future will result in the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey. At present, the organization of collection of signatures of a number of Turkish intellectuals already testifies about serious changes of approaches in the issue of the Armenian Genocide in the society of Turkey.

Different opinions, concerns and views over the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations among different layers of our society, political parties, Diaspora is a very natural and praiseworthy phenomenon. However, they should not turn into undesirable processes of splitting the nations.

In the conditions of new historical realities the whole Armenian nation again stood before challenges, which requires consolidation of national forces and capabilities, solving united the problems and an imperative of acting in consonance of national interests. The national unity is the main guarantee of the Armenian people’s progress. I am sure that in the conditions of the society’s consolidation we shall be able to solve all our problems.

This high tribune shall serve for the national consolidation through the organization of regular hearings and expressing the approaches of all Armenians all over the world.

I hope that these hearings will result in effective conclusions, which will promote the awareness of the society in this issue.

Thank you.

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