RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan Participates in the Solemn Session of Yerevan State University Board and Scientific Council

On October 3 RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan participated in the solemn session of Yerevan State University Board and Scientific Council. Before the session high-ranking guests attended and got acquainted with the exhibits of the museum presenting the history of Alma Mater.

Alma Mater is 90 years old. Rector of Yerevan State University Mr. Aram Simonyan in his speech referred to the history of Alma Mater and noted that in 1919 by the efforts of a group of enthusiastic intellectuals and statesmen Yerevan State University was founded, which opened a new bright page in the cultural history of the Armenian people. The University became a necessary talent foundry, cradle of scores of scientific achievements. Many generations got education in Alma Mater.

After declaration of the 3rd republic of Armenia Alma Mater had weighty contribution in the establishment of the newly independent state. 25 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences carry out scientific-pedagogical activity in the University. Thanks to the scientists with high qualification fundamental and applied most important researches regarding different spheres of modern science are implemented in the higher educational institution.

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Alma Mater by the decree of RA President Mr. Serzh Sargsyan the Rector of Yerevan State University and the lecturers were awarded Movses Khorenatsi, Anania Shirakatsi medals.

Handing over the awards RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan said in his speech:


Let me heartily congratulate all of us in the name of the President of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, as well as National Assembly on the occasion of this significant event.

The foundation of the national university is an evidence of the Armenian people’s wisdom during the hard days full of victories and defeats for our country 90 years ago. My visit to Yerevan State University began from the museum, where I had a great feeling of pride. During the last hundred years the progress of the Armenian people is one of our most glorious and outstanding victories in the sphere of science and education. Today, everybody’s duty is to strengthen the created basis, in order we would occupy our worthy leading place among the most educated and developed peoples of the world.

It’s not accidental that we call the Yerevan State University Alma Mater; in Armenian reality we pay tribute with such honorable names only to the higher values: Mother See, Mother Araks, Motherland…

Being the first higher educational institution, it created a firm basis for the development. And thousands of graduates of Alma Mater during these ninety years had an invaluable contribution in the spheres of economy, culture, science and many other spheres of Armenia.

Though we have not made specific accounts, however I can say for sure that the graduates of the Alma Mater have great contribution in the establishment of the newly independent country, statehood, implementation of the legislative field, elaboration of many decisions and calling them into life.

Dear Universitarians,

Yes, our state university is called Alma Mater not only because of the fact that most part of the higher educational institutions of the republic came from it and independently entered into life, but also because it played undeniable role in the people’s life, educating and bringing up thousands of specialists useful for the society.

They, those outstanding scientists and successful businessmen, state and public figures are bearers of knowledge and trespassers to today’s generation. And here, today, we address our word of appraisal and gratitude to the professors and lecturers of the University. Your work conquers, has undeniable contribution in building our people’s bright and victorious future.

Being a Universitarian is an honour and calling. Every Armenian, who educated in this University, has deep feeling of gratitude towards Alma Mater.

Dear Universitarians,

Today is a holiday. So many generations have already got education at Yerevan State University. And still many generations will step inside its entrance and have the same feeling of affection and respect that every first-year student had first time entering into the arches of the educational institution.

Being a Universitarian are not merely years those several years of education: It’s a calling. Throughout the years the University has been not only foundry of science and education, but also the bearer of national high values, human high qualities, standard for the assessment of economic, political, social problems.

The role of the Universitarians is especially undeniable in the national rebirth of the 80s, gaining of independence, Artsakh freedom fighting, and establishment and strengthening of the statehood of our Motherland

90th anniversary is a serious age for a man, and for Alma Mater with weighty achievement is eternally young because  breath and spirit of the youth and their inflexible will for the future permanently exist.

Dear students,

Taking the advantage I would like to address you: efficiently use your time and obtain as much knowledge as you can. It is not only pledge of your future, but also the guarantee of the prosperity of our Motherland. We are powerful with our intellectual potential.

Concluding my word I congratulate once again all those who work at Yerevan State University, old and new graduates, the whole Armenian people in the occasion of this significant jubilee. I wish our University new achievements in the sphere of education and science for the strength of Armenia, for the welfare of the Armenian people and bright future of the generations.

My congratulations dear University.”

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