RA NA Vice-President Arevik Petrosyan Receives Director of the Black Sea Region of British Council

On October 7, RA NA Vice-President Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan met with the director of the Black Sea Region of the British Council Ms. Rosemary Arnott to discuss issues concerning cooperation between the British Council and RA National Assembly in the framework of Wo/Men in Politics project. British Council Office Director in Armenia Ms. Arevik Saribekyan and Programmes Manager Ms. Inessa Muradyan were also present at the meeting.

Presenting her approaches concerning effective implementation of the project by the request of the guest NA Vice-President Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan proposed to discuss the project with RA NA President before putting it into practice: later to determine the format of cooperation, mechanisms of project application and future tasks. In the framework of the project Mrs. Petrosyan highlighted the technical and expert assistance. Emphasizing the rise of the women’s role in political life, she touched upon the presence of women in the Armenian parliament, NA factions and committees, their political active work in the international structures.

During the meeting, the sides discussed issues concerning the implementation of Wo/Men in Politics project as well.

Parliament Debates the Report of the Control Chamber
On October 7, the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings and adopted by voting all the bills debated the previous day, after which NA Vice-President Ms. Arevik Petrosyan continued answering the deputies’ questions, which concerned the package of draft laws on Making Amendment ...