Yevgeny Gladunchik Awarded Medal of Honour of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

On October 9, President of RA National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan awarded general director of Electrical Networks of Armenia CJSC Mr. Yevgeny Gladunchik a Medal of Honour of RA National Assembly on the occasion of his 60th anniversary for his long-lasting, faultless work and charitable continuous activity.

In his speech Chief of Staff of the National Assembly Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian noted that RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs applied to RA NA President Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan with a request to award general director of Electrical Networks of Armenia CJSC Mr. Yevgeny Gladunchik a Medal of Honour on the occasion of his birthday. According to Mr. Gharibjanian, if during the last year those, who devoted themselves to the spheres of building of army, health care, were awarded Medal of Honour of the National Assembly, today for the first time a benefactor is given a Medal of Honour of the National Assembly. Mr. Gharibjanian noted that Yevgeny Gladunchik not only did a lot of work in the economy, but he implemented a lot of charitable programmes in different spheres.

Mr. Gladunchik expressed his gratitude for high assessment of his work, noting that this high award obliges him also to carry out an activity worth of that confidence in future.

Deputy of RA National Assembly Melik Gasparyan Dies
On October 8, at about 7:30 p.m. because of road-transport accident died the deputy RA NA Melik Gasparyan.He was born on January 2, 1951 in the village of Mets Marza in the Vardenis region. In 1973 he graduated from the Armenian Agrarian University, receiving a degree of engineer-hydrotechnician. 19...