Members of RPA Faction Meet the Members of the Parliamentary Delegation of the Netherlands

On October 20 Head of RPA faction of the National Assembly Mr. Galust Sahakyan, Secretary Mr. Edward Sharmazanov, members of the factions Mr. Volodya Badalyan and Mr. Karen Avagyan met the parliamentary delegation led by the representative of Christian-Democrats (parliamentary majority of the Netherlands), Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the Netherlands, Vice President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Henk Jan Ormel. The delegation comprised of the Member of Parliament of the Netherlands Mr. Çoskun Çörüz , Senator Mrs. Hanneke Geldenblom, Mr. Heino van Houwelingen, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Georgia and Armenia, officials of the Parliament of the Netherlands and representatives of EWPPP programme.

During the meeting both sides expressed their viewpoints on the existing processes of the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

Mr. Henk Jan Ormel highly assessed the first steps directed to normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations not only in the viewpoint of two countries, but also European policy and expressed hope that progress will also be in the relations with Azerbaijan. Regarding the Initiated Protocol with Turkey and opening of the borders, according to the head of the delegation, it has no relation with the settlement of the Karabakh problem though the latter can activate the relation with Turkey, and ensure peace in the region and political-economic cooperation.

Mr. Sahakyan noted that the citizens of Armenia mainly are not against the opening of the borders with Turkey, and the reason of the concern being noticed among the political forces and the society of Armenia on the signed protocols and establishment of normal relations with Turkey is conditioned by the distrust towards the authorities of Turkey, which has its historical motivations: first of all, it is the Genocide perpetrated by Turkey against Armenians. The Republican Party of Armenia headed by the President of the country has undertaken political responsibility to normalize those relations not towards Turkey, but first of all, by the conscience of faith towards its own forces and its people’s wisdom. The further destiny of the initiated documents without preconditions is conditioned by the stance of the parliaments of the two countries. Armenia expects the discussion of this issue in the parliament of Turkey, as Turkey closed the border, as it should make a decision, after which the National Assembly of our country will say its word. These relations, according to Mr. Sahakyan, are necessary not only for two countries, but also for the whole international community, moreover, for the region. Being well aware that complicated processes are started, the RPA headed by the President of the republic is resolutely inclined in normalization of relations with Turkey and expects certain results.

During the meeting issues regarding the development of Armenia-the Netherlands bilateral parliamentary relations were also discussed.