Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Arevik Petrosyan Receives the Heads of the Archive Services of the CIS Countries

On October 29 the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Mrs. Arevik Petrosyan met with the heads of the State Archive Service of CIS countries, who were in Yerevan to take part in the regular meeting of the Council of the Heads of the Archive Services of CIS countries and the 10th Conference of the Eurasian area department of International Council on Archives.

Mrs. Petrosyan welcomed the guests in the name of the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan and her name. He noted with satisfaction that the Armenian people were the first in the history of human civilization to create the scripts and managed to reach some part of the manuscripts through millennia up to our days, which are mainly kept in Matenadaran.

The NA Vice Speaker said that the RA National Assembly also had its contribution in the establishment of the state archive system of Armenia. Only the fact that during the independence years three laws related to the archive have been passed, speaks about the fact that our country strives to improve the legislation concerning the archive keeping and does not lag behind the processes of the development of that sphere. Mrs. Petrosyan noticed that the law of the Republic of Armenia on Archive Keeping, which was passed in 2004, was elaborated taking into account the experience and achievements of CIS countries, however today the scientific-technical progress dictates new requirements, it’s necessary to develop the electronic documentation turnover, update the relevant law and invest new methods of keeping and archiving the documents. In this direction the RA Government takes measures and soon will start a legislative initiative. Mrs. Petrosyan underscored the necessity of cooperation of State Archive Services of the CIS countries and improvement of archive management methods.

At the meeting issues concerning the achievements reached in the archive sphere, exchange of experience and cooperation of archive services of  CIS countries were discussed.