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RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Visits Lori Marz

On November 7 RA NA President Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan visited Lori Marz (province). In Vanadzor Governor’s Office after a short working consultation the NA President was hosted in the RPA Vanadzor territorial organization.

In the afternoon within the framework of NA Open Doors programme by the patronage of the President of the Parliament Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan, on the initiative of the RA Ministry of Culture, Metaksya Simonian and New Cultural Policy funds the next regional phase of children’s republican recital contest-festival dedicated to the Armenian national poetry being held from October 7 in Vanadzor Charles Aznavour Culture House.

RA NA President Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan participated in the festival. NA deputy Mr. Tachat Vardapetyan, master of recital Jivan Sargsyan, the primate of Gugarats Diocese Sepuh Bishop Chuljian and others made welcoming speeches. 27 descendants have chosen for recital not only the works by Charents, Isahakian, Sahian, Sevak, but also modern authors of Vanadzor. As a result of unbiased evaluation of jury, 6 participants of 11-14 and 16-17 age groups were recognized winners. The winners were awarded diplomas, and other participants of the festival received letters of acknowledgement.

We’ll also say that the gifted children of Ararat, Gegharkunik, Shirak, Tavush and Vayots marzes have also taken part in the unique event of the recital. On November 27 the final phase of the festival will be held, and on November 28 – the gala concert.

On the same day NA President Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan visited Vanadzor orphanage of RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. 97 children of 0-18 age, whose care is carried out by state means, live in the orphanage. Director of Vanadzor orphanage Mr. Arshaluis Harutyunyan and the children of the orphanage and alumnus informed Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan about their problems. The problems of housing and heating are of priority for the leadership and children of the orphanage. On the previous day three families of the alumnus celebrated a house warming by state support. The director of the orphanage noted that the children pin big hopes with the state, as the state is their only support. They raised the proposal of leaving the orphanage not at the age of 18, but at the age of 21. “When the child of the orphanage turns 18, he/she, according to the law, goes out of the orphanage, and after that has difficulty to get used to the independent life. Before that he/she has seen good care, but living already in the orphanage he/she has problems connected with job, specialty, house and social conditions. Perhaps, we give house to the child, but he/she does not have a job, and he/she is not able to take care of his/her expenditures. There are children, who have graduated from higher educations institutions, but they don’t work by their specialty. There are children, who are in turn of receiving a flat, but they haven’t received yet, some of them live renting, another part with their relatives and friends,” Mr. Arshaluis Harutyunyan said. The NA President promised not only to review the legislation, but to solve the problem of heating the flats at the beginning of winter. “Our children are our future, and if everybody solves a problem, then everything will be fine,” Mr. Abrahamyan added. The Head of the Parliament walked around the rooms of the orphanage, got familiarized with the conditions and did not refuse playing table tennis with one of the children. The NA President did not go the orphanage with 12-year history with empty hands, after the treatment the children were waiting for many presents.

NA President Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan also took part in the concert, which was organized by the gifted children of the orphanage. Director of Vanadzor orphanage Mr. Arshaluis Harutyunyan handed over the present made by the orphanage children. At the end of his visit the Head of the Parliament planted a fir-tree in the yard of the orphanage.

President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan Congratulates the Catholicos of All Armenians
On November 7 RA NA President Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan visited Holy See St. Echmiadzin. In the residence of the Holy See the Supreme Patriarch received the President of the Parliament and the persons accompanying him.According to the Armenian Apostolic Church, November 4 is the anniversary of the anoint...

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