RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan is on an Official Visit in Egypt
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On January 16 the delegation led by the Speaker of the National Assembly arrived in the Arab Republic of Egypt on an official visit.

In the international airport of Cairo the Vice Speaker of the People’s Assembly of Egypt Mr. Abdel Aziz Mustafa met the delegation led by RA NA Speaker. Later, in the official guests’ saloon of the airport Mr. Abrahamyan had a brief working talk with Mr. Mustafa. Welcoming the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament the Vice Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt emphasized the development of the bilateral parliamentary contacts. The interlocutors agreed that the legislators of the two friendly countries could have serious contribution in developing the Armenian-Egyptian relations.

On the same day in the afternoon the official delegation led by RA NA Speaker visited the parliament of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour met the RA NA Speaker at the doors of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt. After the official ceremony the Armenian and Egyptian sides had an enlarged meeting.

Mr. Sorour warmly welcomed the delegation led by RA NA Speaker and expressed hope that during the visit the sides will jointly work in strengthening historically warm and friendly relations, in that context specially noting the role of the Egyptian Armenian community. Later, the Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt thoroughly touched upon the issues of the foreign policy of his country, paying special attention to the efforts of his country in establishing peace and stability in the Near and Middle East.

Mr. Abrahamyan expressed his gratitude for warm reception and told his interlocutor that he fully agreed with his assessment of the Armenian-Egyptian relations. Highlighting the inter-parliamentary cooperation of the two friendly countries the RA NA Speaker reaffirmed the adherence of the Armenian side to the provisions of Armenian-Egyptian inter-parliamentary agreement in 1997. Then, Mr. Abrahamyan presented his interlocutor the prior problems of Armenia’s foreign policy, particularly, touching upon the steps taken in establishing peace and stability in South Caucasus, Armenian-Turkish normalization process without preconditions and relations with immediate neighbours.

While discussing the bilateral cooperation the interlocutors agreed that it was necessary to strengthen the trade-economic cooperation of Armenia and Egypt. In that context they emphasized the sitting of the Armenian-Egyptian Inter-Parliamentary Commission being held in Yerevan in the summer of 2010, during which it would be possible to sum up a number of practical programmes of economic nature.

At the meeting the interlocutors agreed that in order to retain the current high level of the Armenian-Egyptian political dialogue it was necessary to continue it, using the opportunities given of the mutual visits. In that context Mr. Abrahamyan invited the Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour to pay an official visit to the Republic of Armenia.

In the evening of January 16 in honour of RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan an official reception was organized in the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Arab Republic of Egypt. Numerous Egyptian officials, ambassadors accredited in Cairo and high ranking diplomats, employees of mass media, as well as representatives of the Egyptian Armenian community attended the reception.

Before the beginning of the reception Mr. Abrahamyan had a meeting with the members of the Friends’ Council of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Arab Republic of Egypt. He expressed his gratitude to the members of the Council for their activity devoted to Motherland, assessing their support, which was demonstrated by them from the moment of the foundation of the Embassy. Mr. Abrahamyan highlighted the Armenia-Diaspora unity and noted that also due to it the Armenian people are able to strengthen their statehood and overcome all the problems and challenges. During the meeting RA NA Speaker also gladly answered to the questions, concerning the representatives of the Egyptian Armenian community.

At the reception RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan addressed those present with welcoming words:

“Esteemed Ambassadors,

Dear compatriots - honorable representatives of the Armenian community of Egypt!

Dear guests,

I am very happy that today we are meeting to enjoy the hospitality of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Egypt. This is a good opportunity to reflect once again in the centuries-long friendship of our peoples.

The contacts between the Armenian and Egyptian peoples date back to the ancient times. That friendship is full of numerous expressions of sincerity and mutual respect. The Armenian community in Egypt has a history of millennia. It is one of the most traditional Armenian communities throughout the world.  Due to the fraternal attitude of the Egyptian people succeeded in preserving their rich national identity and culture, and  made a significant contribution to the development and prosperity of the country. In this context it is suffice to mention the name of Nubar Pasha, who had an eminent role in the common history of the two peoples.

Armenia is a sincere friend and reliable partner of |Egypt. We are interested in furthering the  bilateral cooperation in all areas. The current high level of the political dialogue needs to be enhanced through bilateral economic projects, efficient use of all the available opportunities for the development of the trade and economic relations. 

Currentlt, the political dialogue between Armenia and Egypt can be considered exemplary, since our countries constantly and reciprocally support each other. The Armenian-Egyptian friendship, the presence of the prosperous Armenian community in the Egyptian environment is the best example of the cooperation of the Christian and Muslim civilizations and their reciprocal enrichment. This is the best answer to those, who believe that those two great civilizations are incompatible.

We cannot accept such an approach. We refuse this by word and deed. The age-old Armenian-Egyptian friendship can serve an role model for all. The common history of Armenia and Egypt is a history of friendship, tolerance, mutual respect, cultural dialogue for the sake of the lofty values of the two great civilizations - Christian and Muslim.

Dear friends!

I realize very well that the warm reception which my delegation enjoyed by the People’s Assembly of Egypt and its distinguished Speaker of the People’s Assembly of Egypt Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour is also conditioned by the status and image of the  Armenian Egyptians. They have indeed deserved this respect and kind reputation.

I strongly believe that the Armenian-Egyptian relations will continue to flourish. I am also confident that the friendship between Armenia and Egypt will pave the road for our future common victories.

I would like to wish all of us success, prosperity and happiness for the benefit of the friendship between the peoples of Armenia and Egypt.

Thank you.”

Marking the Armenian-Egyptian friendship, the Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt Dr. Ahmed Fathi Sorour, who usually does not attend such events, also attended it. Together with RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan he approached those present, talked with the representatives of the Egyptian Armenian community. Then, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the Speaker of the People’s Assembly of the Arab Republic of Egypt had a working warm talk in the Embassy, discussing the possible terms of Mr. Sorour’s visit to the Republic of Armenia.

On January 17, the delegation led by RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan visited the National Museum of Egypt, as well as Giza Pyramids and Shams Museum to get familiarized with the rich history and material cultural heritage of Egypt.

In the morning of January 18 the delegation led by RA NA Speaker Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan will have a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt Mr. Ahmed Nazif. On the same day the delegation will return to Yerevan.

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