RA NA Speaker Discusses with EU Representative the Normalization Process of the Armenian-Turkish Relations
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On January 21 the Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan received the Representative of the European Union for the South Caucasus Mr. Peter Semneby.

At the meeting the sides focused on normalization process of the Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions. The Speaker of the Armenian Parliament expressed hope that Turkey would be faithful to the letter and spirit of the protocols signed in Zurich on October 10, 2009. In that context Mr. Abrahamyan told the EU Special Representative about his meeting with the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Mehmet Ali Şahin, which took place on November 23, 2009 during the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation in Moscow.

At Mr. Semneby’s request the RA NA Speaker presented the ratification process of the protocols in Armenia, which goes on according to the defined order and without irrelevant delays. Mr. Abrahamyan underlined that the Turkish side would be after the ratification and implementation of the protocols, abstaining the steps taken directed to the failure of the process. He noted that otherwise the Armenian side was ready to take corresponding adequate steps.