Parliamentary Briefings
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On March 19 the representatives of the NA factions summed up the works of the four-day sittings for the journalists. The main themes of the briefings were the normalization process of the Armenian-Turkish relations and the economic situation in Armenia.

The member of the Heritage faction Zaruhi Postanjyan touched upon the Armenian-Turkish normalization processes and anti-Armenian speeches of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan.

The deputy of the faction Heritage Anahit Bakhshyan noted that the rise of the goods' prices makes complicated the situation of the socially vulnerable layer.

Touching upon the Turkish Prime Minister’s anti-Armenian statements the Head of the Rule of Law faction Heghine Bisharyan and deputy Hovhannes Margaryan considered unacceptable such statements.

The head of the ARF faction Vahan Hovhannisyan said in connection with the Turkish Prime Minister’s anti-Armenian statements that Recep Erdogan lost his mask and the world saw what country it had to deal with.

The Secretary of the Prosperous Party Aram Safaryan and Mrs. Zohrabyan, as well as the Head of the RPA faction Galust Sahakyan referred to the Turkish Prime Minister’s statements.

Meeting in RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration
On March 19 the Chairperson of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan received the Armenian representatives of the Civil Forum of the Eastern Partnership programme. The sides discussed the issues regarding the four fundamental platforms of the Eastern Partnership, the mech...