RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan Receives the Armenian Member of the Swedish Parliament Esabelle Dingizian
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On March 29 RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan received the deputy of Riksdag of Armenian descent, the Swedish Parliament, the member of the Green Party Esabelle Dingizian. The Speaker of RA National Assembly highly assessed the deputy’s participation in the adoption of the resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide by the Swedish Parliament and in the name of her he thanked the Speaker of Riksdag and all other deputies, who voted for the adoption of the resolution. Hovik Abrahamyan noted that the condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by the Swedish Parliament was one more step in order to prevent such crimes in the world in future.

Expressing her gratitude for the invitation and reception Esabelle Dingizian noted that the adoption of the resolution was the beginning of the cooperation with the Armenian Parliament, and she was ready to promote the development of that cooperation.

RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan said that an Armenian-Swedish Friendship Parliamentary Group had been set up in the Armenian Parliament, and the creation of such group would be also desirable in the Swedish Parliament. Hovik Abrahamyan said that he had intention to organize a forum of the Armenian members of all the parliaments of the world in Yerevan, which would be useful for knowing Armenia, for getting information, mutual contacts and cooperation.

In the course of the meeting the sides also touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations and Nagorno Karabakh problem.

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