Students of Ararat Marz Witness the Happenings in the Parliament and Take Part in the Open Lesson
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Within the framework of the Open Doors policy of the National Assembly on April 6 the students of the senior classes of different schools of Ararat marz visited the parliament.

By tradition they had opportunity to follow the ongoing work of the four-day sittings. Then they took part in the open lesson, which was held by RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan. Welcoming the entrance of the students of Ararat marz (province) to the Armenian Parliament the NA Speaker highlighted the meetings with the representatives of the young generation. Mr. Abrahamyan briefly presented the students the activities of the legislative body, the powers reserved by Constitution, the National Assembly-government cooperation, also talked about the parliamentary elections and electoral system. The NA Speaker emphasized the regular visits of the deputies, who were elected by the people, to the marzes of the republic, where they can study the problems on the spot, and after they can raise the problem in the parliament. Mr. Abrahamyan said that everything is done to make the parliament open, transparent, accessible for the people: the Open Doors policy being implemented in the National Assembly is intended for it. Introducing in detail the NA-Government cooperation Mr. Abrahamyan noted that in this issue he tries to successfully implement the control function reserved by Constitution.

The NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan presented his positions on the Armenian-Turkish protocols and the settlement of the Karabakh problem. According to NA Speaker, the goal of the Armenian-Turkish protocols, which were signed in Zurich, is to establish diplomatic relations with Turkey without preconditions and to open the border. According to Mr. Abrahamyan’s assessment, the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border and the establishment of diplomatic relations will promote Armenia’s economy, the opening of the border will create an opportunity to have second railway. The NA Speaker once again stressed that the Armenian Parliament will ratify the protocols only after the Turkish Parliament ratifies it. In the settlement of the NK problem the NA Speaker indicated several most important principles: the right of self-determination of the Karabakh people will be recognized, Karabakh cannot be in the composition of Azerbaijan, the security of the Karabakh people should be internationally protected, and the NK should have land link with Armenia. Mr. Abrahamyan highlighted the solution of the NK problem within the framework of the Minsk Group.

Later the NA Speaker touched upon the students’ various questions and proposals, which related to the issue of the financial support of vulnerable groups of students, the cooperation between the schoolchildren and the authorities, the programmes of the development of agriculture, to which the NA Speaker gave exhaustive answers.

At the end of the meeting the NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan once again highlighted the organization of such meetings and noted that the state pays great attention to the school and education, the result of which is the repairing of many schools. Mr. Abrahamyan is sure that the school is our future and the basis of our state. The Head of the Parliament advised the students not to uselessly waste  their time, get knowledge for becoming a clever citizen for the state. “Learn as much as you can, get education, study in the higher educational institutions, have your contribution in building statehood,” ending his word urged RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan.

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