From August 21 Procedure of Accrediting Journalists to Begin in the National Assembly

The procedure of accrediting the journalists to cover the works of the eighth session of the fourth convocation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia will begin from August 21 , 2010.

The deadline for application submissions is September 11, 2010.

According to the Rules of Procedure in function, the application of the head of the mass media, stating the full name of the employee for accreditation, legal status, two photographs (3x4), the e-mail of the media and the journalist, the phone and fax numbers (if there are)  must be submitted in written form to the head of the Public Relations and Media Department of the National Assembly.

The representatives of foreign mass media should also submit a copy of the accreditation at the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Armenia in order to receive the accreditation.