Issues Concerning the International Parliamentary Scholarships Programme Discussed in the NA Standing Committee
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On September 23 the Chairperson of RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with the member of Bundestag of Germany Maria Flachsbarth , the professor of Berlin Technical University Frank Behrendt and the head of the Information and Public Relations of the Gerhardt Rakenius.

During the meeting the sides discussed issues concerning the procedure of the International Parliamentary Scholarships (IPS) Programme. The programme is designed for the young specialists having high education in the Eastern Europe, Russia and USA. The goal of the programme is to familiarize the young employees of the state management system, parties, mass media and higher educational institutions with the parliamentary management system of Germany.

The Chairperson of the Committee Naira Zohrabyan emphasized the activation of the political contacts between the National Assembly of Armenia and Bundestag of Germany, which would promote the strengthening of the ties between the two countries. Expressing hope that the IPS programme would have continuous and effective procedure, Mrs. Zohrabyan proposed, if necessary, to add the number of the Armenian scholarship holders, expressing hope that the knowledge, skills and experience obtained by the Armenian scholarship holders in Bundestag would serve for the rise of the efficiency of the parliament’s works.

At the end of the meeting Mrs. Zohrabyan noted that she would present all the proposals concerning the programme to the NA Speaker.

In the course of the meeting other were also discussed.