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Meeting in NA Standing Committee on European Integration
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On November 24 The Chairperson of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan received the first Secretary of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Mrs Simone Schütze and the scholarship holder of the International Parliamentary Scholarships (IPS).

During the meeting Mrs Zohrabyan emphasized the relation between the Armenian Parliament and Bundestag of Germany, noting that Armenian-German inter-parliamentary relations were rather dynamic and were actively developing. According to the Committee Chairperson, as the European integration is one of the foreign priorities of Armenia, the experience of Bundestag having democratic old traditions is instructive for the National Assembly of Armenia. This programme gives opportunity to the Armenian students and youth to use in practice their experience, which they have in the Bundestag of Germany, in different departments of Armenia. Mrs Zohrabyan said that she discussed the issue of the former and this year’s selected scholarship holders to have educational practice in the National Assembly with the NA Speaker, and in future the scholarship holders would have opportunity to more thoroughly get acquainted with the activities and happenings of the National Assembly of Armenia. She also expressed hope that the scholarship holders passing their experience in Germany would also actively cooperate with Lepsius German-Armenian Research Center in Potsdam. By the way, emphasizing the issue of the scholarship holders Mrs Zohrabyan noted that from the independence more than 1300 Armenian citizens received scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service, which, according to Naira Zohrabyan, is appreciable. The Committee Chairperson noted that all the proposals concerning the programme would be submitted to the NA Speaker.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed.

Official Visit of RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan to the Syrian Arab Republic Continues
On November 24 the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad met with the delegation led by RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan.Greeting the Armenian Parliamentary delegation the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad highly assessed the visit to Syria of RA President Serzh Sar...

Reforms of Police with Political Support
On November 24 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs Hrayr Karapetyan met with the delegation headed by the Senior Advisor on Police of the OSCE to Secretary General Knut Dreyer to discuss the programme of reforms of RA police system.Mr Knut Dre...

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