Parliament Convenes Extraordinary Session
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The Speaker of RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan signed a decree, based on which, in accordance with the Article 70 of RA Constitution, on the initiative of the Government on December 13 an extraordinary session was convened to debate 35 issues included in the agenda.

On the proposal of the NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan before the debate of the agenda issues the deputies passed decisions on holding the session in special procedure and on debating a number of draft laws in special order.

The Deputy Finance Minister, Chief Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan submitted to the deputies’ assessment the draft laws On Making Amendments On Inner Audit and On Treasury System.

The NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs debated the draft law and endorsed, the member of the Committee Areg Ghukasyan said.

The Deputy Minister of Justice Gevorg Malkhasyan proposed to make amendments in RA Criminal Code and On Administrative Infringements in RA Code.

The Deputy Justice Minister also submitted the legislative initiative of the Government On Making Amendments and Addenda to RA Law On Bankruptcy enclosed three amendments to the draft laws.

The parliament also debated the package envisaging amendments and addenda to the laws On Auditory Activity and On Licensing.

The draft law On Making Addenda to the law On Trade and Services with the package of relevant amendments in 6 laws.

On December 14 the parliament will continue the work of the extraordinary session.