NA Speaker Congratulates the Staff of the Parliament
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On December 29 RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan made a reception with the NA deputies and staff members on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas.

Congratulating the representatives of the NA Staff on the coming holidays Hovik Abrahamyan thanked the colleagues, the NA Staff for their joint work, expressing conviction that in 2010 due to everybody’s united efforts a positive move was registered in the parliamentary work. In this context the NA Speaker expressed conviction that the NA Staff had bigger potential and opportunity for more raising the efficiency of the NA activities. “Let the year 2011 be a year of success for everybody, and the most important thing is let it be a year of peace for our beloved Motherland, a year of new achievements for the people of the Republic of Armenia, our compatriots of Artsakh and Diaspora. I wish everybody success, happiness, welfare. I, as NA Speaker and the NA as legislative higher body, shall do our best in order to have the laws passed in the National Assembly contribute to the interests of our state and our people. Congratulating everybody I wish that in 2010 your all desires come true,” the NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan.

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