Next Sittings of RA NA Standing Committees Held
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On March 18 the next sittings of RA NA standing committees were held.

At the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs presided over by Vardan Ayvazyan the package of the bills proposing amendments and addenda to the law on Protection of Economic Competition and to a number of laws was debated. The Committee debated the bill of the packages proposing amendments to the law on Postal Connection and to a number of laws submitted for the second reading, as well as the package of the bills to the law on Security of Food and to a number of laws.

At March 18 sitting of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly endorsed the two legislative initiatives.

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee Artsvik Minasyan submitted for debate the initiative of the government on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on All-Armenian Bank.

The Standing Committee on Social Affairs of the National Assembly presided over by Hakob Hakobyan debated the amendments and addenda to the law on Temporary Invalidity Allowances initiated by the executive body.

The bill on Making Addenda and Amendments in RA Labor Code was decided to postpone up to 15 days by the authors’ proposal.

The NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government presided over by Hovhannes Margaryan debated in the first reading the package of the bills on Making Amendments and Addenda to RA Law on Urban Development and envisaging amendments and addenda to a number of laws.

The RA draft law on Making Addendum to the law on RA Holidays and Memorial Days was debated in the second reading and endorsed, by which the authors proposed to fix November 10 as Local Self-Government Holiday.

The Committee also decided to hold parliamentary hearings on the theme Open Air Trade in Urban Communities on March 30.

The NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs presided over by Davit Harutyunyan in the procedure of the first reading debated the package of the draft laws on Amending the RA Law on State Service in RA NA Staff and on Making Addenda to RA law on Declaration of the Property and Incomes of the Physical Entities.

NA deputy Hovhannes Sahakyan submitted in the first reading the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum in RA Criminal Procedure Code, the bill on Amending RA Criminal Code was also debated in the first reading.

RA Justice Minister Hrayr Tovmasyan submitted the legislative package envisaging amendments to the law on the Freedom of Assemblies and to 11 co-laws.

The legislative package envisaging amendments in RA Electoral Code and to 6 co-laws was debated in the procedure of the first reading.

The members of the ARF faction submitted the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda in RA Electoral Code.

The Committee Chairman noted that the parliament would decide the destiny of the bill.

The bills submitted by the government on Making Amendments and Addenda to RA Law on Compulsory Execution of the Court Acts and on Making Addendum to RA law on State Duty were debated in the second reading and would be included in the agenda of the upcoming four-day sittings.

The NA Standing Committee on Health Care, Maternity and Childhood presided over by Ara Babloyan debated in the first reading the legislative package on Making Addendum to RA Law on Medical Aid and Supply of the Population and on Making Addendum in RA Code on Administrative Infringements.

The legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to RA Law on Psychiatric Aid and on Making Addendum to RA law on Child’s Rights was debated in the second reading and will be included in the draft law agenda of the NA upcoming four-day sittiungs.

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