Parliament Ends the Work of the Next Four-day Sittings
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On April 14 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings.

NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan informed his colleagues that this time, according to tradition, the students of Gyumri Alishan N 8 School took part in the work of the parliament. The NA deputies welcomed the students and the teachers.

The deputies by voting also passed the NA draft decision on moving the May 2-5, 2011 four-day sittings of the ninth session of RA NA fourth convocation to May 9-12. The NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan clarified that the move was conditioned by the circumstance that 10 specialists from the Korean KOICA organization had already been in the parliament for 10 days, and they needed extra days for completing the technical problems.

Then the parliament turned to the debate of the agenda issues. The draft law of the government On Making Addendum to RA Law On State Duty was debated in the procedure of the second reading.

Before turning to the next issue the NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan said that on April 15, at 12 the Government had asked to convene the NA extraordinary sitting for debating 4 credit agreements.

The parliament debated in the first reading procedure the legislative package On Making Amendments and Addenda in RA Criminal Code, On Amending the RA Code On Administrative Infringements and On Amending the RA Criminal Procedure Code.

The package of the draft laws On Amending the RA Law On State Service in RA NA Staff and On Making Addenda to RA Law On Declaration of the Property and Incomes of the Physical Persons was debated in the first reading.

RA CB deputy Chairman Nerses Yeritzyan in the first reading submitted the draft law On Making Amendment and Addenda to RA Law On All-Armenian Bank, as well as the legislative package On Making Addenda to RA Law On Income Tax and On Amending the RA Civil Law.

Mr Yeritzyan submitted for the debate in the second reading the legislative package envisaging amendments On Making Addenda and Amendments to RA Law On Payment Accounting Systems and Payment Accounting Organizations and in 3 laws related to it.

The legislative package envisaging amendments and addenda to RA Law On Urban Development and in 4 laws related to it was debated in the first reading.

The report on the 2009 Activity of the Television and Radio National Committee was submitted to the deputies.

The National Assembly debated in the first reading issue On Approving 2011-2015 State Programme of RA Education Development.

At the end of the sitting the NA Vice Speaker Samvel Nikoyan reminded that the next day at 12:00 the government convened an extraordinary sitting.

The National Assembly ended the work of the four-day sittings.

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