
20th Sitting of RA NA and RF Federal Assembly Inter-Parliamentary Committee
On April 20 in the city of Yaroslavl the 20th sitting of RA NA and RF Federal Assembly Inter-Parliamentary Committee, the Co-Chairs of which were the Chairman of the Natural Monopolies Committee of RF Federal Council Nikolay Rizhkov and the Chairman of RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human...

Debates on the New Order of Technical and Demands Being Submitted to Transport Means in the National Assembly
On April 20 the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs presided over Vardan Ayvazyan held expanded debates on the decision of RA Government On Approving the Demands being Submitted to the Compulsory Technical Inspection Document (coupon) of the Transport Means of Non General Use in RA.NA deputy A...

RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan Meets the Representatives of the Studentship of Yerevan Haybusak and Gladzor Non-State Higher Educational Institutions
“Our goal is that the National Assembly will be open and transparent for the community,” RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan said during the meeting with the representatives of the studentship of Haybusak and Gladzor non-state higher educational institutions, noting that within the framewo...