Press Conference of the Members of the British-Armenian All-Party Parliamentary Group in the National Assembly
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At April 21 press conference the members of the delegation headed by the Chairwoman of the British-Armenian All-Party Parliamentary Group of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Baroness Caroline Cox, presented the results of their visit and answered the questions of the mass media representatives.

Baroness Caroline Cox said that during the three-day visit to Armenia their delegation had effective meetings with RA President, NA Speaker, Foreign Minister and the Secretary of the National Security Council, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, got familiarized with the documents testifying to the Armenian Genocide in the Genocide Museum. The delegation had been in Nagorno Karabakh and had meetings with the NKR President and the NA Speaker.

In response to the question what ways she sees for the solution of the NK problem, Baroness Cox noted: “We witnessed there what progress had been made in the negotiation process within the Minsk Group format. I think that the NK people shall have the right to take part in the negotiation process. I see that Armenia, the Armenians showed will to move on the basis of those principles, and now the Azerbaijanis shall cooperate.”

The member of the House of Commons John Whittingdale in his turn promised going back to Britain present all this to the House of Commons: what he witnessed in Karabakh, as there was false information all about this.

The members of the British-Armenian All-Party Parliamentary Group ensured that they would do their best to make the people of Britain be aware of the Armenian Genocide.

“We visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and saw all the evidence. Returning to Britain I’ll tell all what I have seen, I’ll share my impressions with my colleagues,” noted John Whittingdale. He also said that he had intention to organize an exhibition in the British parliament to make aware his colleagues about the Armenian Genocide.

In the opinion of Baroness Caroline Cox, it’s painful that Turkey rejects the Armenian Genocide until now. According to her any genocide, which is rejected and is not recognized prepares ground for new genocides. By Baroness’ assessment, the recognition and the adoption of the genocide stems from the principles of justice and human rights. “Being not Armenian I would like to say that the wounds of the Armenian Genocide will not be healed, if the Genocide is not accepted.” Caroline Cox said. She said that when as a nurse she was in Turkey, her Turkish colleagues also noted in their talks that they wished the Turkish Government to accept the Armenian Genocide, because they could not always live in lie. “It’s sad when the leadership of the country fears to tell the truth,” Baroness Cox stressed.

In the word of the member of the House of Lords of Great Britain Shreela Flather, she feels rather bad that in case of many proofs of the Armenian Genocide, their government has still not recognized it. Certainly the reason is Turkey, to her. “However, it will not hinder us in order to continue making our efforts, as what happened is a crime towards humankind,” she said.

In response to the question about Armenia’s joining the European Union the Chair of the Committee on European Union of the House of Lords of Great Britain Lyndon Harrison welcomed the striving of the Armenian authorities on European integration and the reforms being made in this direction.

At the end of the press conference the Baroness Cox thanked her parliamentary colleagues for visiting Nagorno Karabakh and getting familiarized with the situation on the spot. Touching upon Azerbaijan’s policy on including the undesirable people for Azerbaijan, who visit Karabakh, Mrs Cox declared: “I think that Azerbaijan does not good thing and acts harming itself, when tries to terrorize the people going to Karabakh. In fact, they are also frightened by truth.”

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