20th Sitting of RA NA and RF Federal Assembly Inter-Parliamentary Committee

On April 20 in the city of Yaroslavl the 20th sitting of RA NA and RF Federal Assembly Inter-Parliamentary Committee, the Co-Chairs of which were the Chairman of the Natural Monopolies Committee of RF Federal Council Nikolay Rizhkov and the Chairman of RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Aram Safaryan.

In accordance with the relevant established agenda a number of issues of humanitarian cooperation between RF and RA were discussed, as a result of which, the sides made decisions aimed at the expansion of humanitarian cooperation between the two countries, boosting the spreading of the Russian language in Armenia, organization of joint forums, exhibitions and other events in Armenia, as well as involving the private sector, the sphere of science and educational institutions.

The Committee also approved the work order and staff of the council of the Experts’ Council under the Armenian-Russian Inter-Parliamentary Committee formed at the 19th sitting.

At the end of the sitting the sides also approved the issues to be discussed at the 21st sitting of the Inter-parliamentary Committee to be held in Yerevan in Ocober of this year.

The members of the Armenian and Russian side of the Inter-parliamentary Committee, Governor of Yaroslavl province S. Vakhkurov, Chairman of Duma of Yaroslavl province V. Rogotsky, the envoy of RA Embassy in RF R. Ananyan, as well as representatives of RA and RF executive bodies, NGOs, mass media and figures of culture took part at the 20th sitting of RA NA and RF Federal Council.

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